Dear Child Test | Final Test - Medium

Romy Hausmann
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dear Child Test | Final Test - Medium

Romy Hausmann
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What upsets Kirsten in Jasmin's bedroom?
(a) True crime books.
(b) Photos and articles about Lena.
(c) Bloody rags.
(d) Dirty clothes.

2. What was the subject of what Hannah read to Jonathan when Jasmin was worried about being pregnant?
(a) Anxiety.
(b) Flying.
(c) Chemistry.
(d) Depression.

3. How many steps does Hannah discover that her grandparents' garden is?
(a) 375 steps.
(b) 500 steps.
(c) 150 steps.
(d) 600 steps.

4. When Matthias assaulted Mark Suthoff around the time of Lena's disappearance, what was his fine?
(a) 30 days' salary.
(b) 70 days' salary.
(c) 50 days' salary.
(d) 90 days' salary.

5. Who is Jasmin's therapist?
(a) Dr. Hamstedt.
(b) Dr. Muller.
(c) Dr. Schwarz.
(d) Dr. Brenner.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long have Karin and Matthias been married?

2. On page 220, what is the message in the plain white envelope?

3. What did Maja bring for lunch when Kirsten was with Jasmin at her apartment?

4. What are the only flowers that Hannah sees in her grandparents' garden?

5. What color coat is a woman wearing who puts a box on Matthias's doormat?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Hannah have to say to Jonathan before she leaves with her grandfather, and how does Jonathan respond?

2. What arrangements does Matthias make for Hannah to come stay with him and Karin?

3. What does Jasmin have in her dresser that she asks Kirsten to find for her?

4. What does Jonathan draw, and how does Hannah explain the drawing to Dr. Hamstedt?

5. Why does Jasmin go to see Dr. Hamstedt?

6. What does Jasmin remember about the recirculation unit breaking?

7. What does Matthias remember when he drives Hannah to his house?

8. Who did Matthias remember interviewing him about Lena, and what did the reporter share with him?

9. How does Jasmin remember Kirsten's recovery after the rape?

10. Why might Jonathan be mad at Jasmin?

(see the answer keys)

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