Dear Child Short Essay - Answer Key

Romy Hausmann
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dear Child Short Essay - Answer Key

Romy Hausmann
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. What happened to Lena Beck?

Lena Beck, a student, was at a party in the Maxvorstadt district of Munich-Haidhausen until around 5 a.m. On the way home, she called a friend. Her cell phone had been switched off ever since. She disappeared, and a police search produced no leads.

2. On page 2, what has Lena lost and gained?

Lena loses her sense of time, dignity, and a molar on the first day of her abduction. She gains two children and a cat. She also has a husband who is tall and has short, dark hair and grey eyes.

3. Who is Sister Ruth?

Sister Ruth is a person at the hospital who comes to sit with Hannah, while they wait for a time when Hannah can see her mother. Hannah notices that Sister Ruth is older than her mother. She has gray hair and is slightly rounder. She is wearing a colorful cardigan and has a panda sticker on her sweater.

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