Deadline Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Deadline Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dallas tell Ben she thinks makes people sick?
(a) Trying to be perfect.
(b) Eating junk food.
(c) Secrets.
(d) Holding grudges.

2. How does Coach offer to help Ben?
(a) To help the people Ben loves.
(b) To help Ben play football one year in college.
(c) To take Ben to see some specialists.
(d) To keep the information from Cody.

3. What does Rudy share with Ben?
(a) That Rudy believes Ben will live.
(b) Rudy's emotional pain.
(c) The name of Rudy's family.
(d) Rudy's beliefs.

4. What does Ben do when he finds Rudy completely drunk?
(a) Drags him to a detox center.
(b) Breaks all the bottles in Rudy's room.
(c) Slaps him in the face.
(d) Walks out vowing to never return.

5. What does Ben say he is willing to do?
(a) Talk to the mayor about the project first.
(b) Do a shortened version of the project.
(c) Take whatever grade he receives.
(d) Write his congress person about the project.

6. Why does Ben decide not to tell Cody about his illness?
(a) Because Ben believes Cody would be angry.
(b) Because Ben is still hoping for a miracle.
(c) Because Cody might decide not to go off to college.
(d) Because it's Christmas Eve.

7. Why does Dallas kick Ben out of the house?
(a) For refusing to go to a specialist.
(b) For talking in front of Joe Henry.
(c) She does not kick him out.
(d) For keeping the secret from her all these months.

8. What does Dallas tell Ben about Joe Henry?
(a) Joe Henry is her cousin.
(b) Joe Henry is her son, not her brother.
(c) Joe Henry is a genius.
(d) Joe Henry is sick.

9. What does Ben tell Dallas about the future?
(a) He will be there for her if something doesn't happen.
(b) He does not have a future.
(c) He does not think about the future.
(d) He plans to attend a near-by college.

10. What assignment does the therapist give Ben?
(a) To tell his parents about his illness.
(b) To write a pro and con list for treatment.
(c) To write down what he wants to do before he dies.
(d) To talk to Dr. Wagner one more time.

11. What is Cody doing on Christmas Eve?
(a) Making plans for the future.
(b) Helping his mother who is sick.
(c) Arguing with his girlfriend.
(d) Arguing with his father.

12. What kind of list does Ben make?
(a) Of things he wants to do before he dies.
(b) Of the ways he can help himself get well.
(c) Of the names he would give his children if he lives.
(d) Of all the reasons he feels blessed.

13. Who are two people Ben decides to definitely tell?
(a) No one besides Coach.
(b) Cody and his dad.
(c) Cody and Dallas.
(d) Dallas and Rudy.

14. What is special about the game in Chapter 13?
(a) Ben's team lost it.
(b) Ben's mother came to see it.
(c) Cody is called by a scout.
(d) It is Ben's last game.

15. What does Ben take Rudy?
(a) More supplements.
(b) A Bible.
(c) A poem about recovery.
(d) A bottle of wine.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the coach feel about school work?

2. Who are the key players on the team Ben's school is getting ready to play in Chapter 13?

3. What does Ben ask in Coach's class?

4. What does Ben tell Rudy Ben appreciates?

5. What does Coach say about the Malcolm X project?

(see the answer keys)

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