Deadline Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Deadline Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What project does Ben chose in Lambeer's class?
(a) To change the curriculum for some classes at the high school.
(b) To write a memoir.
(c) To change the laws about gay marriage.
(d) To have a street named for Malcom X.

2. What is wrong with Ben's mother?
(a) She has early dementia.
(b) She is manic-depressive.
(c) She is an alcoholic.
(d) She is a schizophrenic.

3. What does Rudy show Ben when he stops by his room?
(a) His journal that he writes in daily.
(b) Rudy's football trophy from high school.
(c) That he has a copy of Malcolm X's book, too.
(d) His crucifix from being a priest.

4. What is Cody and Ben's mother doing when they get home in Chapter 6?
(a) Cleaning house.
(b) Making dinner.
(c) Crying on the sofa.
(d) Watching television.

5. What bothers Ben about his relationship with Dallas?
(a) Wondering who her last boyfriend was.
(b) Whether he is good enough for her.
(c) That she is so smart.
(d) Leaving her.

6. What does Coach ask Ben about football?
(a) Why he wants to play.
(b) If he has ever played football before.
(c) If he understands the rules of the game.
(d) If he doesn't think football is too rough for him.

7. When did Cody become the school quarterback?
(a) In his senior year.
(b) In his junior year.
(c) He is not the quarterback.
(d) In his sophomore year.

8. In what state in the United States does Ben live?
(a) Utah.
(b) Idaho.
(c) California.
(d) Wyoming.

9. What does the coach remind the players of in his first talk to them?
(a) The rules on and off the field.
(b) That football is more important than academics.
(c) That losing is not all bad.
(d) That winning is everything.

10. Why does Ben's doctor call him after his appointment?
(a) To set up an appointment with Ben and his parents.
(b) To let him know he is dying.
(c) The doctor does not call Ben.
(d) To tell him to come see him.

11. Who is invited to the homecoming dance?
(a) The high school students and their families.
(b) The high school and middle school students.
(c) Only the high school students.
(d) The entire town.

12. What does Ben's father say about his wife's illness?
(a) He will stick by her to the end.
(b) He is thinking about divorce.
(c) He will leave after the boys leave.
(d) He may have to have her committed.

13. What talk does Ben's father mention to Ben?
(a) The football talk.
(b) The college talk.
(c) The sex talk.
(d) The mother is ill talk.

14. What kind of vehicle did the coach give Ben?
(a) A 1941 Chevy pickup.
(b) A Toyota.
(c) A land rover.
(d) A jeep.

15. How does Ben view dating Dallas Suzuki?
(a) He has not desire to date Dallas.
(b) It would be boring to date her.
(c) She is way out of his league.
(d) She is in the out crowd.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first thing Ben thinks about after hearing about his illness?

2. Where do the players go after the coach talks to them?

3. Why does Ben think his relationship with Dallas is getting complicated?

4. What does Hey-Soos tell Ben about his time on earth?

5. Why did Ben's parents hold him back in school?

(see the answer keys)

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