The Dead of the House Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Hannah Green
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dead of the House Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Hannah Green
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Vanessa has the ______________ of a person far beyond her years.
(a) Intelligence.
(b) Sensitivity.
(c) Goals.
(d) Wisdom.

2. Which of the following does Grandpa Nye not recall about his childhood days?
(a) Skating.
(b) Rafting.
(c) Swimming.
(d) Digging for arrowheads.

3. What item of her Uncle Joab's does Vanessa keep by her bed?
(a) A book of poetry.
(b) A snow globe.
(c) A compass.
(d) A watch.

4. Vanessa's great-great-grandmother thought moving to America was a _____________ idea.
(a) Ridiculous.
(b) Fine.
(c) Splendid.
(d) Possible.

5. Where are Vanessa and her grandfather when he tells her the story of her ancestors again?
(a) The local Starbucks.
(b) The front porch of his house.
(c) Driving in the car.
(d) Taking a walk.

Short Answer Questions

1. From whom did Vanessa's great-great-grandfather receive a message?

2. What does Vanessa call Grandmother Nye, Nathaniel, Joab and Great Grandmother Vanessa?

3. In what city does Grandfather Nye live?

4. Where did Grandpa Nye attend college?

5. How many of Grandpa Nye's children died?

Short Essay Questions

1. How has Aunt Janice literally and figuratively moved Grandpa Nye out of the life in which he belongs?

2. How does Grandpa Nye feel now about his days of paddling canoes as a boy?

3. Who was Grandpa Nye's second wife?

4. What do Vanessa and her father agree will be Grandpa Nye's legacy?

5. How did Vanessa know her parents were enjoying their time at the cottage too?

6. Why does Vanessa get especially melancholy about Uncle Joab?

7. Why is Vanessa at odds with her mother and sister?

8. Describe the flashback Vanessa has regarding Grandpa Nye and his homemade wine.

9. How does Vanessa's self esteem suffer from comparisons to other people?

10. What advice does Grandpa Nye give Vanessa about keeping company with rivers, lakes and books?

(see the answer keys)

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