Deadfolk Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Deadfolk Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rachel ask Blake when he arrives at Hoppers in Chapter 13?
(a) Did he get any sleep.
(b) Does he know it is his day off.
(c) Why he is late.
(d) Why he's early.

2. Who does Blake beat to death with his wrench in Chapter 14?
(a) Finney.
(b) Doug.
(c) Danny.
(d) Fenton.

3. Who does Blake hit with a wrench in the beginning of Chapter 18?
(a) Mandy Munton.
(b) Jess Munton.
(c) Mick Runter.
(d) Fenton.

4. What does Blake remember finding in his bedroom, prompting him to be nicer to Beth in Chapter 19?
(a) A pack of Regals.
(b) A photograph.
(c) A magazine.
(d) A letter.

5. What are the names of the policemen who question Blake in Chapter 12?
(a) Noah and Daniel.
(b) Plim and Jonah.
(c) Robert and James.
(d) Paul and Benjamin.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose face appears on all the cards in Blake's dream in Chapter 16?

2. In Blake's dream in Chapter 16, who is standing behind the card players, breathing heavily?

3. Why does Nathan say Fenton came to Mangel in Chapter 19?

4. Who does Blake call after the police leave in Chapter 12?

5. About how old was Blake when he killed his father?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where are Blake and Finney in the beginning of Chapter 15? What events does Finney describe?

2. What does Blake tell the mechanic when he encounters him in Chapter 18?

3. Where does Blake find Leggsy in Chapter 19? What does he discover about his friend?

4. How does Blake's love life reflect that of his "thug life" in Chapter 13?

5. How does Blake break into the garage in Chapter 17? What happens when he does?

6. Why does Blake tell the Muntons that Legs took the doofer in Chapter 20?

7. What is Blake's reply when Mandy asks him to leave town with her in Chapter 16?

8. What actions does Blake take in Chapter 12? What does his disguise reflect about his character?

9. How does Blake reflect his foolishness in the ending of Chapter 14?

10. What does Blake discover at the Paul Pry in Chapter 13?

(see the answer keys)

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