Dead Until Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

Charlaine Harris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dead Until Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

Charlaine Harris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Sookie in a precarious position?
(a) She is covered in Longshadow's blood, as well as her own.
(b) She killed a vampire.
(c) She is the only human in the room.
(d) She had a vampire killed.

2. How does Bill upset Sookie?
(a) He tells her he is leaving Bon Temps.
(b) He tells her he loves her.
(c) He tells her he wants to see other people.
(d) He tells her that Eric has summoned them to Shreveport.

3. Sookie suggests they do what for a while to see if the love they feel for one another is worth the pain that it might cause?
(a) Live together.
(b) Separate.
(c) See other people.
(d) Go on vacation.

4. One night Bill and Sookie lie in bed talking about what?
(a) Their lives.
(b) Bon Temps.
(c) Sam.
(d) The murders.

5. The Monroe vampires, Malcolm, Diane and Liam, have been touring the area doing what?
(a) Searching for a home to purchase.
(b) Making trouble and acting outrageous.
(c) Asking for Sookie.
(d) Searching for Bill.

6. Why can Bill not refuse Eric?
(a) Eric is his maker.
(b) Eric is older than Bill.
(c) Eric is his friend.
(d) Eric is right.

7. Bill explains that he must leave town for a while, but this new vampire will do what?
(a) Keep Sookie in contact with Bill.
(b) Call Bill if Sookie needs him.
(c) Stay outside her house in the woods, keeping an eye on Sookie at night.
(d) Join Bill during his travels.

8. Jason's troubles with the law do what?
(a) Begin.
(b) Start to end.
(c) Continue.
(d) End.

9. How does Sam feel about Sookie?
(a) He is particularly attracted to her.
(b) He is annoyed by her.
(c) He feels sorry for her.
(d) He is disgusted by her.

10. Sam finally sends her home. Why?
(a) She is unhappy.
(b) She is tired.
(c) She is upsetting the customers.
(d) She needs a break.

11. What does Sookie decide is better than staying in the house?
(a) Getting into her car.
(b) Making for the safety of the woods.
(c) Running to Bill's home.
(d) Going into the shed.

12. The next few days pass and Sookie becomes aware of what?
(a) People watching her.
(b) A wave of depression.
(c) A wave of anger in the bar from the patrons.
(d) Bill following her around.

13. It is not until later that Sookie makes what connection?
(a) Jason killed her uncle.
(b) Bill had her uncle killed.
(c) Her uncle might have been murdered by the same person who killed the women.
(d) Uncle Bartlett may have committed suicide.

14. A moment between Sam and Sookie is interrupted by whom?
(a) Andy.
(b) Eric.
(c) Bill.
(d) Another waitress.

15. What happens when the vampires have scented the blood?
(a) They are disgusted by Sookie.
(b) They find Sookie more interesting.
(c) They attack Sookie.
(d) They make Sookie leave.

Short Answer Questions

1. Sookie senses movement and sees what?

2. His lawyer, Sid Matt Lancaster tells Jason to do what?

3. A waitress named Ginger is called in and Sookie is able to determine that the woman knows who the thief is but is unable to name the person. Why?

4. Sookie realizes that the amount of vampire blood that she has ingested has done what?

5. The men in the bar are contemplating what?

(see the answer keys)

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