Dead Until Dark Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Charlaine Harris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dead Until Dark Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Charlaine Harris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Three.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How had Maudette been killed?
(a) She was shot.
(b) She was stabbed.
(c) She was strangled.
(d) She was thrown out a window.

2. Sam arrives and Sookie reaches out with her mind to him. How does Sam surprise her?
(a) He seems to be closing his mind to her.
(b) He glares at her.
(c) He speaks to her telepathically.
(d) His mind is surprisingly open.

3. Who surprises Sookie at Bill's home?
(a) Malcolm, Liam, Eric, and their two human companions.
(b) Diane, Eric, Malcolm, and their two human companions.
(c) Eric, Pam, Longshadow and their two human companions.
(d) Diane, Malcolm, Liam, and their two human companions.

4. What does Sookie learn about where Bill lives?
(a) He lives in the old Compton house near Shreveport.
(b) He lives in the old Compton house near Sookie's home.
(c) He lives in New Orleans.
(d) He lives with the Bellefleurs.

5. How long has Sookie lived with her grandmother in the family home?
(a) Since her parents got divorced when she was seven.
(b) Since her parents left the state when she was seven.
(c) Since her parents were murdered when she was seven.
(d) Since her parents died in a flash flood when she was seven.

Short Answer Questions

1. Sam arrives and tells Sookie what about Dawn?

2. How does a typical night become something special?

3. How does Sookie feel about meeting her first vampire?

4. Why does Sam make a request of Sookie?

5. What does Bill say about Sookie?

(see the answer key)

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