Objects & Places from Dead Poets Society

N.H. Kleinbaum
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from Dead Poets Society

N.H. Kleinbaum
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Dead Poets Society Lesson Plans

Dead Poets Society

This is a secret club formed by a teacher when he was a Welton student and resurrected by junior boys at Welton.

Photos of Former Students

These are objects that Mr. Keating has his students look at to help them learn to dream and work to attain their dreams.

"Understanding Poetry"

This is a textbook that Mr. Keating has his students rip a page from and throw it in the trash.

Jessica's Photograph

This is something the boys see in Keating’s apartment and to whom Keating is writing a letter.

Midsummer Night's Dream

This is a play that Neil and Ginny participate in.

The School Banners

These display the words that are the four pillars or principles of Welton: honor, discipline, excellence, and tradition.

Signed Document

This is something all the boys except Todd write stating that Keating was responsible for Neil’s suicide...

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