Objects & Places from Dead Irish

John Lescroart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from Dead Irish

John Lescroart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Dead Irish Lesson Plans

Army Distributing

This is the company owned by Sam Polk that Eddie had managed before his death.

Cruz Publishing

This is the publishing company owned by Arturo Cruz.

La Hora

This is the Latino publication produced by Cruz Publishing.

The Little Shamrock

This is the bar owned by Moses McGuire where Dismas Hardy has been tending bar for eight years.

The Steinhart Aquarium

This is where Hardy's friend, Pico, works.

Candlestick Park

This is the home field of the San Francisco Giants.

St Elizabeth's

This is the parish where Father James Cavanaugh served as priest.


This is a German Restaurant where Dismas Hardy meets up with his ex-wife, Jane, after six years and rekindles their relationship.


This is a small town near San Francisco where Steven Cochran is found injured after he runs away from home.

The San Francisco Chronicle

This is the newspaper where Hardy...

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