Dead in the Water Test | Final Test - Medium

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dead in the Water Test | Final Test - Medium

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the content of a fax which Stone receives from Arrington?
(a) She is held up due to a work deadline.
(b) She has married Vance Calder.
(c) She'll be arriving tomorrow.
(d) She wants to marry him on the island.

2. Why does Stone contact Bill Eggers again?
(a) To make travel arrangements for his trip back to the U.S.
(b) To make housing arrangements in Antigua.
(c) To issue a notice about the execution.
(d) To wire him some money.

3. How does Allison appear as she gives her testimony?
(a) Calm.
(b) Distracted.
(c) Anxious.
(d) Nervous.

4. What does Stone tell the person about in #109?
(a) The rubber dinghy.
(b) Libby's lawsuit.
(c) The plane crash.
(d) Sir Leslie's trial strategy.

5. Stone insists that Allison never _________________.
(a) call on his business line.
(b) meets with Sir Leslie alone again.
(c) give any more interviews.
(d) has any alcohol until the trial is over.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Sir Winston say he wants to see Stone?

2. Who does Thomas think the man in #139 is?

3. What does the man in #139 say his profession is?

4. What is the profession of the person in #148?

5. Who is Sir Winston's surprise witness?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to Sir Leslie, what is Sir Winston willing to do in order to get the prime minister's position?

2. What is the significance of the spear gun and the missing spear that Stone comes across?

3. What does Stone learn about Libby Manning's mother, and how does he help the woman personally?

4. How does Stone insure that Allison has an alibi for her whereabouts when the Race pulls out of the harbor?

5. What is Jim Forrester's reaction when Stone suggests that Stendahl might actually be Paul Manning?

6. What is the purpose of Sir Winston's having Stone forcefully brought to him for a meeting?

7. What is the verdict in the coroner's inquest into the plane crash that killed Libby Manning?

8. Describe Allison's demeanor during her testimony.

9. Describe Jim Forrester's testimony at the trial.

10. What changes Stone's perspective on Allison's use of a spear gun to kill her husband?

(see the answer keys)

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