Dead in the Water Test | Final Test - Easy

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dead in the Water Test | Final Test - Easy

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Allison's demeanor when Stone goes over testimony with her?
(a) Tentative.
(b) Angry.
(c) Focused.
(d) Frantic.

2. What is Allison's demeanor when Stone visits her in the jail the next day?
(a) She is anxious.
(b) She is hysterical.
(c) She is calm.
(d) She is happy.

3. What does Stone notice is missing from the Expansive in Chapter 41?
(a) A case of champagne.
(b) The rubber dinghy.
(c) A missing spear.
(d) The first aid kit.

4. What does Stone consider buying with some of the money from the sale of the yacht?
(a) A plane.
(b) A chalet in Aspen.
(c) An island.
(d) A house in Bermuda.

5. The witness testifies that the insurance money was moved to an account ___________________.
(a) in Brisbane.
(b) in the Cayman Islands.
(c) in New York.
(d) in London.

6. Stone instructs Allison to call the yacht broker to have the new yacht moved to _________________.
(a) Guadeloupe.
(b) Aruba.
(c) St. Thomas.
(d) Mission Bay.

7. What is the profession of the person in #148?
(a) Insurance investigator.
(b) Cop.
(c) Ship's captain.
(d) Accountant.

8. What does Stone receive as he has breakfast with the person in #109?
(a) A newspaper.
(b) A fax.
(c) A phone call.
(d) A telegram.

9. What does Stone tell Libby's lawyer?
(a) He tells her about Libby's death.
(b) He tells him that he needs his help in Allison's case.
(c) He needs to hire him for some research work.
(d) He tells him about the money Allison paid Libby.

10. Who does Thomas think the man in #139 is?
(a) A reporter.
(b) A minister.
(c) A cop.
(d) A pilot.

11. Bill Eggers begins a campaign of outrage against the prime minister including an interview on which television program?
(a) The Daily Show.
(b) The Today Show.
(c) 60 Minutes.
(d) Dateline.

12. The jury in the coroner's inquest rules Libby's death to be ______________________.
(a) suicide.
(b) homicide.
(c) death by misadventure.
(d) foul play.

13. Who is the Constabulary who Sir Winston calls to testify?
(a) Captain Sloane.
(b) Captain Kerrigan.
(c) Captain Murphy.
(d) Captain Beane.

14. Who does Sir Leslie say will replace the prime minister?
(a) Sir Edward.
(b) Sir Winston.
(c) Sir Brice.
(d) Sir Leslie.

15. What does Allison do when she hears her sentence?
(a) Screams.
(b) Vomits.
(c) Faints.
(d) Yells obscenities.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Stone notice as he leave's Allison's yacht?

2. What information does Arrington's faxed letter to Stone contain?

3. Why does Stendahl want to see Allison convicted of murder?

4. The mechanic of the plane in which Libby died testifies that the crash could have been caused by what?

5. Stone calls his secretary to have her send $25,000 to whom?

(see the answer keys)

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