Dead in the Water Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dead in the Water Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the Hollywood star who Stone's girlfriend wants to interview?
(a) Dirk Morgan.
(b) Phil Sloane.
(c) Vance Calder.
(d) Marcus Grant.

2. The 60 Minutes segment will feature Allison as ____________________.
(a) a fraud.
(b) a liar.
(c) an innocent woman.
(d) a sociopath.

3. What does Stone go to the yacht to look for?
(a) The dinghy.
(b) A gun.
(c) Cash.
(d) Allison's jewelry.

4. What event does Stone and Allison attend in Chapter 5?
(a) A cocktail party.
(b) An autopsy.
(c) A ball.
(d) An inquest.

5. Who was Paul Manning's first wife?
(a) Addie.
(b) Sammy.
(c) Gabby.
(d) Libby.

6. Allison tells Stone that Paul made monthly alimony payments to his first wife in the amount of _____________.
(a) $7,000.
(b) $15,000.
(c) $50,000.
(d) $3,000.

7. What is waiting for Stone when he returns to the bar?
(a) A car.
(b) A fax.
(c) A detective.
(d) A telegram.

8. Who is Stone's girlfriend?
(a) Cecily.
(b) Melinda.
(c) Justine.
(d) Arrington.

9. What is delivered to Allison while she is at the bar?
(a) A death certificate.
(b) A bar tab.
(c) Flowers.
(d) A telegram.

10. Who is the reporter who wants to interview Allison?
(a) Patricia Godown.
(b) Justine Axelrod.
(c) Hilary Kramer.
(d) Gail Jensen.

11. What piece of the Mannings' property had been stolen?
(a) Crates of champagne.
(b) Crystal vase.
(c) Ship's radio.
(d) A rubber dinghy.

12. Thomas gives Stone of list of ____________________.
(a) hotels.
(b) judges.
(c) hookers.
(d) barristers.

13. What does Bob Cantor reveal to Stone about Paul Manning?
(a) He was never actually married to Allison.
(b) He was paying for a large amount of life insurance.
(c) He was having an affair with his secretary.
(d) He was dying of cancer.

14. What does Stone offer the woman in #10?
(a) Plane ticket.
(b) Money.
(c) Legal advice.
(d) Car.

15. What happened to the husband on board the ship?
(a) He got sunburned.
(b) He got food poisoning.
(c) He was knocked unconscious.
(d) He had a heart attack and died.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Stone call his secretary?

2. What is unsettling about the testimony of the person in #91?

3. Why can Stone not defend Allison in her trial?

4. Why does Stone believe the press will be angry with Sir Winston?

5. What is Stone's profession?

(see the answer keys)

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