Deacon King Kong Test | Final Test - Medium

James McBride
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Deacon King Kong Test | Final Test - Medium

James McBride
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Potts hear coming from Five Ends Baptist at the end of Chapter 21?
(a) Arguing.
(b) Laughing.
(c) Singing.
(d) Weeping.

2. About whom does Potts warn Sister Gee in Chapter 15?
(a) Harold Dean.
(b) The Elephant.
(c) Earl.
(d) Joe Peck.

3. As Chapter 24 begins, how long has Sportcoat been sober?
(a) 14 hours.
(b) 20 hours.
(c) 9 hours.
(d) 17 hours.

4. According to the Governor in Chapter 13, who is going to buy the Venus?
(a) An African collector.
(b) An Australian collector.
(c) A South American collector.
(d) A European collector.

5. Who saves Deems from drowning in Chapter 17?
(a) Sportcoat.
(b) Harold Dean.
(c) Hot Sausage.
(d) Bunch Moon.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which individual does Lightbulb visit in Chapter 14?

2. According to the Governor in Chapter 13, in what city was the Venus discovered?

3. By what name does Deems call Sportcoat in Chapter 23?

4. After helping the Elephant in Chapter 25, for what does Sportcoat ask in return?

5. According to Lightbulb in Chapter 14, how has Deems changed since the shooting?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is the title “Rat” perfect for Chapter 14?

2. What two gifts does Sportcoat give Deems in Chapter 22?

3. How does Sportcoat die?

4. What information does Joe Peck seek from the Elephant in Chapter 19?

5. What does Hettie tell Sportcoat in Chapter 20?

6. What news does Potts give to Sister Gee in Chapter 15?

7. What happens when Hot Sausage interrupts Deems at the pier in Chapter 17?

8. What does Sportcoat reveal about his son in Chapter 26?

9. What bit of hope does Sister Gee give to her community in Chapter 18? How does she know this?

10. Briefly describe the conversation between Sportcoat and the Elephant in Chapter 16.

(see the answer keys)

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