Deacon King Kong Test | Final Test - Easy

James McBride
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Deacon King Kong Test | Final Test - Easy

James McBride
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Lightbulb in Chapter 14, Deems wants to work with which individual?
(a) Beanie.
(b) Officer Potts.
(c) The Elephant.
(d) Joe Peck.

2. The arrival of the officers in Chapter 18 interrupts what gathering?
(a) The cheese distribution.
(b) Sunday services.
(c) A neighborhood meeting.
(d) Choir practice.

3. What stolen product is the Elephant moving in Chapter 19?
(a) Radios.
(b) Refrigerators.
(c) Televisions.
(d) Tires.

4. Under what condition will Hettie leave Sportcoat alone, as revealed in Chapter 20?
(a) Sportcoat must get right first.
(b) Sportcoat must find the missing Christmas Club money first.
(c) Sportcoat must find the Venus of Willendorf first.
(d) Sportcoat must learn who sends Jesus's cheese first.

5. According to Hettie in Chapter 26, when will Sportcoat no longer see her?
(a) When Pudgy Fingers is cared for.
(b) When he is sober.
(c) When the Christmas Club money is found.
(d) When her garden is planted.

6. According to Potts in Chapter 18, what happened to Hot Sausage?
(a) He was fatally shot.
(b) He was hit by a train.
(c) He drowned.
(d) He ran off.

7. According to the Governor in Chapter 13, in what church was the Venus discovered?
(a) The Church of the Visitation.
(b) The Church of the Ascension.
(c) The Church of the Sacred Heart.
(d) The Church of the Holy Trinity.

8. Who attacks Bunch Moon at the end of Chapter 22?
(a) Earl.
(b) The Elephant.
(c) Deems.
(d) Joe Peck.

9. According to Sister Paul in Chapter 24, the truck she had driven was full of what?
(a) Stolen cheese.
(b) Stolen televisions.
(c) Stolen shoes.
(d) Stolen jewels.

10. Who will arrange a meeting between Sportcoat and Deems, as discussed in Chapter 17?
(a) Dominic.
(b) Rufus.
(c) Hot Sausage.
(d) Sister Gee.

11. How does Sportcoat describe the Elephant in Chapter 17?
(a) As dumb.
(b) As conniving.
(c) As dependable.
(d) As good.

12. According to Sportcoat in Chapter 17, Deems has the potential to be as successful as whom?
(a) Willie Mays.
(b) Satchel Paige.
(c) Josh Gibson.
(d) Jackie Robinson.

13. What area does Potts ask Sister Gee to avoid in Chapter 15?
(a) The boiler room.
(b) The flagpole.
(c) The subway.
(d) The church.

14. What shocked Hettie about her New York home, as she reveals in Chapter 20?
(a) The lack of hope.
(b) The lack of plants.
(c) The lack of laughter.
(d) The lack of love.

15. By what name does Sportcoat call Mrs. Elefante, as revealed in Chapter 16?
(a) Mrs. Elefante.
(b) Miss Four Pie.
(c) Miss Pokeweed.
(d) Miss Garden Lady.

Short Answer Questions

1. Chapter 26 takes place how many years after Sportcoat shot Deems?

2. How old is Haroldeen, as revealed in Chapter 22?

3. After helping the Elephant in Chapter 25, for what does Sportcoat ask in return?

4. What does Potts hear coming from Five Ends Baptist at the end of Chapter 21?

5. Whose change in behavior worries Deems in Chapter 17?

(see the answer keys)

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