Days of Distraction Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alexandra Chang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Days of Distraction Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alexandra Chang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At what age did Alexandra start working in the newsroom?
(a) 18.
(b) 21.
(c) 23.
(d) 28.

2. What does Jasmine do?
(a) Lawyer.
(b) Writer.
(c) Photographer.
(d) Chef.

3. What "good news" does Corey tell Alexandra about her job right before she leaves for Ithaca?
(a) She is getting a big promotion.
(b) She is getting a 4% raise.
(c) She is getting a 10% raise.
(d) She is getting a 20% raise.

4. Which high school friend do J and Alexandra meet up with during their road trip?
(a) Jennifer.
(b) Cindy.
(c) Hannah.
(d) Becca.

5. What state is J in as he writes notes for people to take things for free that he and Alexandra are leaving on the street ahead of their move?
(a) Drunk.
(b) Suspicious.
(c) Very depressed.
(d) Stoned.

6. What recurring dream does Alexandra have in Part II?
(a) About falling off a cliff.
(b) About her teeth falling out.
(c) About getting fired.
(d) About her shoes falling off.

7. What does Corey tell Alexandra would be the bad news if the company let her work remotely in Ithaca?
(a) She would have to take a pay cut.
(b) He would not be her editor any more.
(c) She would probably get fired soon afterwards.
(d) She would lose her promotion.

8. Where has Alexandra's father recently moved?
(a) China.
(b) Spain.
(c) Australia.
(d) England.

9. What does Alexandra's mother ask her to do every day after she moves to the other coast?
(a) FaceTime her.
(b) Send her food.
(c) Pray for her.
(d) Write her a letter.

10. Who does Alexandra's father say he knew in the 1970s?
(a) Trump.
(b) Hawley.
(c) Obama.
(d) Bloomberg.

11. What social media platform for posting mainly photos do Alexandra and her friends and colleagues frequent?
(a) Fabrio.
(b) Snapchat.
(c) Instagram.
(d) Fleetfoot.

12. What neighborhood in San Francisco do Alexandra and J live in?
(a) H Street.
(b) The Bank section.
(c) The Sunset neighborhood.
(d) The Mission.

13. What does Alexandra write about in Part I?
(a) Gadgets for people with money to spend.
(b) Insurance.
(c) Entertainment.
(d) Financial management.

14. Where does J's family sometimes rent a beach house?
(a) Santa Cruz.
(b) South Beach, Florida.
(c) Middleton Texas.
(d) New Orleans.

15. What does Alexandra's and J's house in San Francisco smell like?
(a) Lemons.
(b) Mildew.
(c) Cleaner.
(d) Flowers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Alexandra's colleagues call the keg inside the fancy refrigerator at work?

2. Who is Alexandra's brother?

3. J tells Alexandra that she is the only adult person he knows who does which of the following?

4. What initials do Alexandra and J share?

5. What is one of life's top-five stressors, according to a former coworker of Alexandra's?

(see the answer keys)

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