One Day When I was Lost: A Scenario Test | Final Test - Easy

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One Day When I was Lost: A Scenario Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Luther tell Malcolm about using his fists?
(a) we have to practice boxing.
(b) we have to fight only white inmates.
(c) we have to learn how to look innocent.
(d) we have to learn how to use our heads.

2. What is everyone saying about Malcolm as he refuses to eat pork?
(a) that he is trying to starve himself to death.
(b) that he is losing his mind.
(c) that he is alergic to pork.
(d) that he is watching his weight.

3. Who is Laura's old man?
(a) her second husband.
(b) an escaped convict.
(c) a pimp.
(d) a lesbian lover.

4. What is the importance of meeting the Leader?
(a) he knows all the black civil rights leaders.
(b) he has a large church in Harlem.
(c) he has the plans for a revolution.
(d) he leads the Black Muslim community in America.

5. What does Malcolm say Luther is the first to do in the prison?
(a) give him advice.
(b) light his cigarette.
(c) figure out his problem.
(d) call him by his name.

6. What does Laura say she needs from Malcolm?
(a) subway fare.
(b) a recommendation.
(c) a place to stay.
(d) protection.

7. How does Laura say Malcolm could have saved her once?
(a) by showing her a better way.
(b) by marrying her.
(c) by keeping her away from Daniel.
(d) by helping her finish school.

8. When does Lorraine say she became a member of the Movement?
(a) when Luther went to prison.
(b) when she was sixteen-years-old.
(c) soon after sydney was born.
(d) right after Luther came home.

9. What does Laura find out about Malcolm as they visit?
(a) that Malcolm is now married.
(b) that Malcolm is hiding from the law.
(c) that Malcolm is running dope.
(d) that Malcolm is a Muslim minister.

10. At the police station the night Hinton is beaten, what is the symbolism of the Muslim ministers?
(a) they symbolize the antithesis of the Ku Klux Klan.
(b) they symbolize a new age.
(c) they symbolize the ability to hold the mob back.
(d) they symbolize new power.

11. Who does Malcolm meet at the subway?
(a) Sidney.
(b) Laura.
(c) Luther.
(d) Ada.

12. What does Sydney say about black women in a Muslim household?
(a) they are equal to men.
(b) they rule the roost.
(c) they are like queens.
(d) they are subservient.

13. What does Luther say about white men being devils?
(a) none of them are.
(b) all are without exception.
(c) most of them are.
(d) some of them are.

14. What is the paper Luther talks about with Malcolm and Sydney?
(a) a declaration of independence.
(b) a manifesto of Muslim religion.
(c) a community newspaper for black people.
(d) a court order against mass demonstrations.

15. What does Luther tell Malcolm about the first people ever created?
(a) they were from a swamp.
(b) they went to Africa to settle.
(c) they were black people.
(d) they were originally monkeys.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the symbolism of the boy entering the large white hotel?

2. What is Hinton's condition in the jail?

3. What does Shorty think Malcolm is doing with his religious talk?

4. What is Luther's first advice to get Malcolm out of prison?

5. Why does Laura say she will never go to Malcolm's Temple?

(see the answer keys)

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