One Day When I was Lost: A Scenario Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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One Day When I was Lost: A Scenario Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What famous historical figure do Malcolm and Shorty talk about on Boston Commons?
(a) Paul Revere.
(b) George Washington.
(c) Dred Scott.
(d) George Washington Carver.

2. What happens to Earl Little?
(a) he is drowned in the ocean.
(b) he is hanged by the Klan.
(c) he is run over by a trolley.
(d) he has a massive heart attack.

3. Who is Sophia?
(a) Malcolm's grandmother.
(b) Malcolm's fantasy girlfriend.
(c) Malcolm's white lover.
(d) Malcolm's sister.

4. Malcolm says "That cat who says he's in utilities actually is in utilities ___________________________."
(a) when he ain't riding his bicycle for the gas company.
(b) when he runs an extension cord from his neighbor's house.
(c) when he goes in to pay his bill.
(d) when he reads the customers' meters

5. In a flashback, what does Louise say to Earl about a rabbit?
(a) I don't know how to cook a rabbit.
(b) we only raised rabbits to sell to white folks.
(c) nobody eats rabbits anymore.
(d) we are all tired of eating rabbit.

6. Why does the insurance company not pay up on Earl's life insurance?
(a) they say his policy excludes accidents.
(b) they say his policy was lost.
(c) they say he committed suicide
(d) they say he missed the last payment.

7. What rule does Mrs. Swerlin say she got from her father and that she lives by?
(a) not to make friends with people others do not like.
(b) not to expect too much from your friends.
(c) not to listen to what people say about your friend.
(d) not to make friends with bad people.

8. Why does Earl have to walk home that night?
(a) he misses the trolley.
(b) his congregation keeps him out late.
(c) his car is out of gas.
(d) no taxi will pick him up.

9. What is the evidence that Earl did not commit suicide?
(a) his knees were shattered.
(b) his hands were tied behind him.
(c) a stab wound in his back.
(d) a hammer blow to the back of his head.

10. Why does Louise lose her job cooking for a white family?
(a) they disapprove of Louise saying Earl was murdered.
(b) they have been threatened by the Klan.
(c) they will not allow Louise to bring her children to work.
(d) they discover that she is Earl's widow.

11. Where is Malcolm walking with two pairs of shoes tied and thrown over his shoulder?
(a) on the beach with Laura.
(b) on the railroad tracks.
(c) on a basketball court.
(d) on the way to school.

12. What does Archie say about writing down numbers?
(a) he writes numbers backwards.
(b) he always forgets numbers in his head.
(c) he never wrote down a number in his life.
(d) he writes down everything.

13. what are some of the menial jobs Malcolm has?
(a) chopping wood and washing dishes.
(b) shining shoes and carrying luggage.
(c) delivering papers and cleaning stables.
(d) picking cotton and baling hay.

14. What method does Baldwin use to show flashbacks to Malcolm's early life?
(a) images in the windows of building.
(b) images in the rearview mirror.
(c) images in Malcolm's sun glasses.
(d) images on the car windshield.

15. Why does Malcolm think they might make him class president at school?
(a) most of the students think he is white.
(b) he has a gang who will threaten those who don't vote for him.
(c) no one else is running against him.
(d) he has the best grades and he is popular.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the news Judge Merritt brings to Malcolm at the Swerlin house?

2. Why does Malcolm think Shorty wants to set him up with a particular woman?

3. What does Malcolm admit to Laura that made him proud when he was a little boy?

4. Why does Malcolm put a gun to his head and pull the trigger?

5. What prophetic dream does Malcolm tell Laura he used to have?

(see the answer keys)

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