The Day of the Locust Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Day of the Locust Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose accent and mannerisms does Tod mimic?
(a) A Civil War colonel
(b) A hillbilly
(c) A New England fisherman
(d) A British commander

2. What is Tod's impression of Mrs. Jenning?
(a) She is uneducated
(b) She is too brazen
(c) She is out of her element
(d) She is quite cultured

3. What is unusual about the chimney?
(a) It is much taller than necessary
(b) It wraps around the house
(c) It is make of fake rocks
(d) It is crooked

4. What does Harry want Homer to do?
(a) Call an ambulance
(b) Get him a glass of water
(c) Get Faye who is waiting in the car
(d) Open a window

5. Where did Tod go to college?
(a) Princeton
(b) Smith
(c) Harvard
(d) Yale

6. Why did Tod get hired?
(a) Good drawings done at school
(b) He didn't ask for much money
(c) His father owns the studio
(d) He knew the boss

7. What type of house does Claude Estee have?
(a) Tudor house
(b) Southern Colonial
(c) Townhouse
(d) Ranch house

8. Where does Tod spend time with the answer to #62?
(a) Faye's apartment
(b) Mrs. Jenning's house
(c) The studio
(d) The race track

9. Why does Homer hate this moment waiting for the bath?
(a) He is afraid of water
(b) His skin is too sensitive
(c) He will start to remember
(d) There is never enough hot water

10. What does Homer do for Harry and Faye?
(a) Buys them a new car
(b) Takes them out to dinner
(c) Fixes lunch for them
(d) Loans them some money

11. Who is Mary Dove?
(a) A waitress
(b) An usher at a theater
(c) A nurse
(d) A friend of Faye's

12. What is the content of the note?
(a) An invitation to dinner
(b) A racing tip
(c) An overdue rent notice
(d) A Chinese takeout menu

13. Who is the note from?
(a) Alicia Greenway
(b) Abe Kusich
(c) Faye Greener
(d) Elsa Peretti

14. What does the little man carry?
(a) A laptop
(b) A Blackberry
(c) A clipboard
(d) A megaphone

15. Where is Tod viewing this scene?
(a) A Broadway stage
(b) A school play
(c) A Hollywood sound stage
(d) A museum

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Tod's view of the world?

2. Where did Homer live before he moved to California?

3. How does Harry Greener meet Homer?

4. Where does Mrs. Jenning take Claude and Tod?

5. What do Claude and Tod see in the room?

(see the answer keys)

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