Dawn Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Dawn Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From whom did Elisha learn a lesson when he was a child of twelve?
(a) His father
(b) Old Man
(c) Old beggar
(d) His mother

2. For two hours each day, ____________ indoctrinates the recruits with the Movement's ideology.
(a) Gad
(b) Joab
(c) Elish
(d) Gideon

3. Elisha's goal is to enroll in a ___________ course at the Sorbonne school.
(a) Poetry
(b) Latin
(c) Law
(d) Philosophy

4. ____________ inspires all Jewish men, woman and children during her radio program.
(a) Ilana
(b) Maria
(c) Isabel
(d) Ruth

5. What is the eleventh commandment that is taught to the new recruits when they are training?
(a) Listen to the Old Man
(b) Forget your past
(c) Hate your enemy
(d) Forget your family

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the English army proclaim once they find out that a member of their troops has been captured?

2. Gad and David are childhood friends who entered the __________ together.

3. ____________ seems indifferent to the idea of a man dying for no reason.

4. All around the world, _____________ is treated as a hero for the situation he is in.

5. What is the dialogue that leads Elisha to believe Gad is a powerful person? E: Who are you? G: I am a __________________.

Short Essay Questions

1. What was the goal of the first rad that Elisha went on as a part of the Movement?

2. What happens when Gad offers Elisha a future when he visits with him one fateful day?

3. What is the cellar of the two story building somewhere between Ramat-Gan and Tel Aviv used for?

4. What do several masked instructors teach to the new recruits when they arrive in Palestine?

5. What does Ilana say about the two deaths of the two men who are to be executed?

6. What is the face the Elisha sees the evening that takes place in this chapter?

7. What has Elisha seen every night since hearing the advice of the beggar?

8. What has Elisha done every night since learning the lesson of the beggar as it was taught to him?

9. Why does Gad want Elisha to join the Movement of Jews who are fighting against the English?

10. What does Elisha know about the man who is residing in the hiding place where Elisha is?

(see the answer keys)

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