Dawn Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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Dawn Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What sound finally disappears from the outside, according to the book?
(a) The wolves
(b) The child crying
(c) The bombing
(d) The music

2. Elisha believes he lost the answer to #146 on his way to _______________.
(a) Sorbonne
(b) France
(c) Palestine
(d) Buchenwald

3. Elisha is now hearing about Jews, not as ___________, but as fighters who are simply claiming what is theirs.
(a) Lenders
(b) Victims
(c) Warriors
(d) Slaves

4. The ____________ leaders recommend prudence and implore the Old Man not to go too far.
(a) English
(b) American
(c) Indian
(d) Zionist

5. An hour earlier, who relayed the decision of the Old Man to Elisha?
(a) Gad
(b) The Old Man
(c) Gideon
(d) Ilana

Short Answer Questions

1. What is NOT one of the things Joab does during his 48-hour interrogation session?

2. Gideon thinks he is only alive because he did not admit _____________.

3. What is the emotion that Ilana holds for John Dawson, the soldier?

4. Usually Elisha found the _________ of his rabbi, his old master to be reassuring, but not this time.

5. How old is Elisha when the story begins?

(see the answer key)

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