Dawn Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

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Dawn Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. David ben Moshe's death sentence is the __________ death sentence the mandatory power in Palestine has imposed on the people of the Movement.
(a) Second
(b) 9th
(c) First
(d) 10th

2. Who comes knocking at Elisha's door just as he is asking questions of the world and his place in it?
(a) Ilana
(b) Gideon
(c) David ben Moshe
(d) Gad

3. The Old Man believes the English only respect one thing. What is that one thing?
(a) Violence
(b) Money
(c) Peace
(d) Action

4. Elisha also wants to find out what makes a man most truly a _________ in this world.
(a) Man
(b) Leader
(c) Power
(d) Soldier

5. In London, Dawson's mother requests _____________ for David ben Moshe in order to save her own son.
(a) The death
(b) A stayed execution
(c) A speedy trial
(d) A pardon

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Elisha decide to go after he is granted asylum in their country?

2. Elisha is now hearing about Jews, not as ___________, but as fighters who are simply claiming what is theirs.

3. What is a Meshulah, or the person that Elisha sees Gad during his time with Elisha?

4. Every evening, Elisha has never failed to see a __________ when he stands at the window.

5. Who is the fighter in the Movement who was wounded during a terrorist attack and captured?

(see the answer key)

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