Dawn Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

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Dawn Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Elisha not want to return to after he is freed from the camps of the Nazis?
(a) Germany
(b) Palestine
(c) Russia
(d) His native town

2. At what time of day is Elisha looking out the window he is standing by in the building?
(a) Midnight
(b) Noon
(c) Dawn
(d) Twilight

3. One can distinguish between night and day by looking at a man's ___________, according to the beggar.
(a) Mouth
(b) Hands
(c) Eyes
(d) Hair

4. What does Elisha have to do the following day that is making him pensive during this evening?
(a) Go home
(b) Kill a man
(c) Take a test
(d) Get married

5. Every evening, Elisha has never failed to see a __________ when he stands at the window.
(a) Face
(b) Moon
(c) Cloud
(d) Shadow

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose face does Elisha see as he is staring out the window during this particular night?

2. Who comes knocking at Elisha's door just as he is asking questions of the world and his place in it?

3. What sound finally disappears from the outside, according to the book?

4. How is David ben Moshe scheduled to die according to the judgment of military law?

5. All around the world, _____________ is treated as a hero for the situation he is in.

(see the answer key)

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