Dawn Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

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Dawn Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 1.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the fighter in the Movement who was wounded during a terrorist attack and captured?
(a) John Dawson
(b) Ilana Porzikov
(c) Elisha de Leon
(d) David ben Moshe

2. The High Commissioner of _________ announces that the entire population will be held responsible if the hostage is killed.
(a) Israel
(b) England
(c) Egypt
(d) Palestine

3. Where is the crying coming from as Elisha is standing at the window of the building?
(a) Child
(b) Dog
(c) Soldier
(d) Cat

4. Who has had enough of the killings of the Movement fighters and vows to kill one soldier for each Movement fighter executed?
(a) Elisha
(b) Old Man
(c) Gad
(d) Gideon

5. The beggar tells Elisha not to be afraid of the dark. Night is ____________ than day.
(a) Easier
(b) Purer
(c) Truer
(d) Stiller

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the mysterious figure ask of Elisha when he encounters him in the empty building?

2. The Old Man believes they cannot back away from their plans or the __________ will then seem weak to the outside world.

3. Every evening, Elisha has never failed to see a __________ when he stands at the window.

4. What is the only thing Elisha knows about the man he will be facing the following day?

5. Elisha is usually uneasy about beggars who inspire in him mingled feelings of _________ and fear.

(see the answer key)

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