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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What was the British army doing in Lower Falls, Belfast, while they instituted the curfew?
(a) Searching for criminals.
(b) Starting a religious war.
(c) Searching for guns.
(d) Instilling fear in the citizens.
2. What does Gladwell say Freireich’s mother did to keep the family together?
(a) Start a business.
(b) Marry rich.
(c) Work 18 hour days.
(d) Move in with her parents.
3. What audacious message did André Trocmé’s students deliver to the Vichy minister of youth affairs?
(a) We will not salute your flag.
(b) We will only follow God’s laws.
(c) We have Jews. You will not get them.
(d) You will not triumph over us.
4. When did Emil Freireich’s father die?
(a) During a sea voyage.
(b) During World War II.
(c) During the Holocaust.
(d) During the Depression.
5. What does Rosemary Lawlor say was the action that started the snowball effect that broke the curfew in Lower Falls?
(a) Women and children offering themselves to British soldiers’ batons.
(b) Women going in pushing prams with provisions.
(c) Women holding a prayer meeting at a road block.
(d) Women throwing stones and Molotov cocktails.
Short Answer Questions
1. When does Gladwell say Dr. Freireich determined he wanted to be a doctor?
2. What does Gladwell say about people who have “emerged from some kind of trauma” (161)?
3. How much does Gladwell say criminals consider the potential consequences when they decide to plan a crime?
4. What does Gladwell say the British war planners feared from German aerial bombardment in London?
5. How did police find the man who killed Derksen’s daughter?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is the lesson Gladwell derives from the video of the third-grade classroom from the Curry School of Education?
2. How does Gladwell see Wyatt Walker setting up the photo of the dog attack as evidence of the same law he see in dyslexics succeeding in spite of their condition?
3. Why does Gladwell say that it took the British so long to understand that they were applying too much force in northern Ireland?
4. How does Gladwell say André Trocmé subverted the laws in Vichy France?
5. What is Brer Rabbit’s secret power, According to Gladwell?
6. How did Freireich compensate for the isolation that came from experimenting in the way he did?
7. What was Mike Reynolds' reaction when the disadvantages of the Three Strikes law became apparent?
8. What was Mike Reynolds’ reaction when his daughter Kimber was shot and killed by a meth addict?
9. What does Gladwell say allowed Wilma Derksen to forgive her daughter’s murderer?
10. What does Gladwell say happened in Montreal when the police went on strike?
This section contains 1,157 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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