Daughters of the House Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daughters of the House Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who claims to see the devil hiding behind the curtains?
(a) Louis.
(b) Léonie.
(c) Baptiste.
(d) Thérèse.

2. After Madeleine defends Léonie, how does Antoinette act?
(a) She smiles and says it's alright.
(b) She insists that Léonie be whipped.
(c) She is still clearly upset.
(d) She forbids anyone to go down into the cellar anymore.

3. What does the person who had a German officer as a lover now do?
(a) She is dead; killed by angry townsfolk.
(b) She moves to Germany with her lover.
(c) She is in an insane asylum.
(d) Runs a bakery in town.

4. What has Léonie been doing while Thérèse has been in the convent?
(a) Léonie has been teaching school in France.
(b) Léonie has been living in America.
(c) Léonie married Baptiste and has been raising a family.
(d) Léonie has been in an insane asylum.

5. What are the ladies discussing when the two girls decide to go down to the cellar?
(a) If their husbands really like being tied down in marriage.
(b) Whether there is going to be a major war.
(c) Who is likely to be the next woman to wed.
(d) The diagnosis of breast cancer that Antoinette has just received.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Léonie afraid of being alone in the room where she is sleeping?

2. What does Madeleine tell her daughter about the daughter's father, Maurice?

3. What does Thérèse find when she goes to the clearing looking for Léonie?

4. From where does the chandelier come?

5. What does Léonie tell the house?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is the dream connected to Léonie's dream in the first chapter?

2. In the chapter, "The Silver Cake Tray," what do you think is the significance of the shrine?

3. What task do you believe is now set before Léonie?

4. What hint is there in the chapter, "The Cellar Key," that something about the cellar upsets Antoinette?

5. What in "The Ivory Ring" chapter foreshadows Thérèse's despondency about her mother's death and her father transferring his affection to Madeleine?

6. In the previous chapter, the reader notices that Léonie embraces physicality as seen by her fascination with defecation; in the chapter, "The Frying Pan," what does it seem that Thérèse embraces?

7. Describe the nightmare with which the chapter "The Wall" opens.

8. Describe Thérèse's first tour of the house as shown in "The Buffet." What is ironic about one of her thoughts?

9. In the chapter, "The Dustpan," what is Thérèse's "public" version of why she broke the Quimper dish and what is evident later as to why she breaks it?

10. Describe how the church is decorated for the upcoming festival and what is perhaps a bit odd about that.

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