Daughter of the Deep Test | Final Test - Medium

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daughter of the Deep Test | Final Test - Medium

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Ophelia warn them all to stay calm and avoid sudden movement, in regard to the Nautilus?
(a) The Nautilus is a living being, as Nemo created the first AI, artificial intelligence.
(b) The Nautilus
(c) The Nautilus' instruments panels are tempramental.
(d) The Nautilus is mean and angry.

2. How does the crew feel about Ana now that they know her brother joined LI?
(a) They trust Ana, as she is not her brother.
(b) They automatically dislike her.
(c) They worry they cannot trust her.
(d) They shun her.

3. What is Ana’s mother’s response when Ana tries to stop them talking about dying?
(a) Death is not something to be embarrassed about, as it happens to everyone.
(b) Death is not sad, because it happens to everyone.
(c) Ana's mother apologizes and stops talking about death.
(d) Death is nothing to fear, as there is life after death.

4. Why does Ana feels sorry for the sub?
(a) It was poorly designed.
(b) It is not very large.
(c) It has gone crazy.
(d) It went neglected for so many years.

5. Where are Ana’s mother’s ashes sprinkled?
(a) In the Pacific Ocean.
(b) In the water at her favorite park.
(c) In the Nautilus.
(d) In Nemo’s underwater gardens.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Ana and Ester discover in Chapter Forty-Six?

2. How do Ana and her friends, along with Ophelia, enter Nemo’s part of the base?

3. In Chapter Forty, what is the loud explosion that the students hear?

4. How many people are injured during cav-drive?

5. Why did Ophelia and Luca object to Dev and Ana being brought to the base after their parents’ deaths?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when the Nautilus goes into Cav-drive?

2. How has the Nautilus survived for so long?

3. How did Ana's parents die?

4. How does Ana help the Nautilus heal quickily?

5. How do the Dolphins decipher the code sent by Lincoln Base?

6. What do those on the Arronax say to the crew of the Nautilus in Chapter Forty-One??

7. What do the students learn about the food made at Lincoln Base?

8. What gives away the location of the Arronax in relation to the base and the Nautilus?

9. What does Gem share about his private life with Ana?

10. What does Ana realize about her pearl necklace? What does she do about this?

(see the answer keys)

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