Daughter of the Deep Test | Final Test - Easy

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daughter of the Deep Test | Final Test - Easy

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Ana when the Nautilus goes into cav-drive?
(a) She feels nauseous.
(b) She breaks her arm.
(c) She sprains her neck.
(d) She is knocked unconscious.

2. How does Ana destroy her necklace?
(a) With a grenade.
(b) With a Leyden gun.
(c) With her knife.
(d) With leidenfrost.

3. What happens when Meadow Newman thinks it is funny that the Nautilus is being compared to a wild animal?
(a) The Nautilus knocks Meadow overboard.
(b) The Nautilus moves suddenly to soak them all with water.
(c) The Nautilus electrocutes Meadow.
(d) The Nautilus plays a loud dissident chord on the organ.

4. What point had Caleb South made that Ana considered might be a good point?
(a) HP had been cowards for not sharing what they knew.
(b) HP should have saved the world with their knowledge.
(c) HP kept Nemo's inventions only to serve themselves.
(d) HP should have joined with LI to figure out Nemo's inventions.

5. Who raised Gem?
(a) Dr. Hewett.
(b) His parents.
(c) His brother.
(d) His grandmother.

6. What is Nemo’s masterpiece?
(a) The Nautilus.
(b) Ana.
(c) Lincoln Base.
(d) The Dakkar legacy.

7. In Chapter Forty, what is the loud explosion that the students hear?
(a) The Nautilus has hit the Arronax with a torpedo.
(b) The Arronax has hit the Nautilus with a torpedo.
(c) The Arronax has sent a warning signal to Lincoln Base.
(d) The Arronax has destroyed the north side of the atoll.

8. What does Luca say is the downside to Nemo’s inventions getting leaked to the rest of the world?
(a) It makes the world less stable.
(b) It makes the rest of the world too intelligent.
(c) It makes HP less important.
(d) It makes his inventions less important.

9. What is Luca busy trying to do on board the Nautilus at the end of this section (Chapters 23-34)?
(a) Speak to her.
(b) Fix the control panel
(c) Find Nemo's treasure.
(d) Open a secret door.

10. The Dolphins decipher the coded message and realize it is a combination of what?
(a) Dolphin, SOS, and Hebrew.
(b) Dolphin, Blue-whale song, and Bundeli.
(c) Blue-whale song, five by five, and Bundeli.
(d) Blue-whale song, chimpanzee, and Bundeli.

11. What do Ana and Ester discover in Chapter Forty-Six?
(a) A letter from Prince Dakkar to Ana.
(b) A portion of Nemo’s vast treasure.
(c) Nemo’s collection of inventions.
(d) Nemo’s writings.

12. How does the Varuna’s crew safely enter the base?
(a) Ophelia says she has turned off the lasers.
(b) Jupiter guards them.
(c) Luca says he has turned off the lasers.
(d) Caleb does not see them enter.

13. What does the crew of the Nautilus think the Arronax will do next?
(a) They will take those on base hostage.
(b) They will kill those on base.
(c) They will take the hostages away on the Varuna.
(d) They will blow up the entire base.

14. Chapter Forty-Eight begins with Ana and who else outfitting themselves with Nemo’s dive suits?
(a) Ester.
(b) Nalinha.
(c) Gem.
(d) Meadow.

15. How far away does the the Nautilus take the crew from the base?
(a) 50,000 miles.
(b) 5,000 miles.
(c) 50 miles.
(d) 500 miles.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Ophelia and Luca object to Dev and Ana being brought to the base after their parents’ deaths?

2. How does Ana describe what look like eyes on the Nautilus?

3. In what sea does the crew of the Nautilus find themselves?

4. What does the dragonfly-like drone do to guide the Varuna into the base’s port?

5. When Ana asks the Nautilus to prepare for leaving, and what note does the Nautilus play to get the ship to full power?

(see the answer keys)

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