Daughter of the Deep Test | Final Test - Easy

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daughter of the Deep Test | Final Test - Easy

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the crew feel about Ana now that they know her brother joined LI?
(a) They trust Ana, as she is not her brother.
(b) They worry they cannot trust her.
(c) They automatically dislike her.
(d) They shun her.

2. In Chapter Thirty-Six, how does the Nautilus feel when the entire crew is taken aboard all at once?
(a) Happy to have a crew again and to be taken care of.
(b) Worried they will hurt her.
(c) She feels nothing, as she is just a submarine.
(d) Angry that she was left alone for so long.

3. Why is Dr. Hewett on the mend?
(a) He is very strong-willed.
(b) The Nautilus has healing powers.
(c) He was misdiagnosed.
(d) Experimental medicine.

4. Why did Ophelia and Luca object to Dev and Ana being brought to the base after their parents’ deaths?
(a) The base was dangerous.
(b) The base is no place for children.
(c) The base is too remote.
(d) The base was not fully operational.

5. What do Ana and Ester discover in Chapter Forty-Six?
(a) Nemo’s collection of inventions.
(b) Nemo’s writings.
(c) A letter from Prince Dakkar to Ana.
(d) A portion of Nemo’s vast treasure.

6. What happens when the crew runs tests on the sub?
(a) Nothing happens.
(b) The hull glows in a thousand different places.
(c) The sound system begins to vibrate.
(d) The hull lightly shimmers.

7. Who raised Gem?
(a) Dr. Hewett.
(b) His parents.
(c) His brother.
(d) His grandmother.

8. From what is all the food created?
(a) Food flown in from the mainland.
(b) Sea plants and animals.
(c) Sea-plant products.
(d) Nuts.

9. Where does Ana’s mother say she wants to have her ashes sprinkled when she dies?
(a) In a cemetery.
(b) In the Pacific Ocean.
(c) In the water at the family’s favorite park.
(d) In India.

10. What is something NOT mentioned in the beginning of Chapter Twenty-Nine that gets the freshmen riled up?
(a) Espresso.
(b) A ride back home.
(c) A chance to see the Nautilus.
(d) A safe haven.

11. How deep did the Nautilus dive?
(a) 100 meters.
(b) 100 yards.
(c) 5 miles.
(d) 100 feet.

12. How is the hidden base revealed to the crew aboard the Varuna?
(a) It drops down from the sky.
(b) It lifts out of its watery hiding place.
(c) The cloud cover moves and reveals the island.
(d) Something like a curtain is pulled and reveals the island.

13. How does the Varuna’s crew safely enter the base?
(a) Ophelia says she has turned off the lasers.
(b) Jupiter guards them.
(c) Luca says he has turned off the lasers.
(d) Caleb does not see them enter.

14. When Ana asks the Nautilus to prepare for leaving, and what note does the Nautilus play to get the ship to full power?
(a) Middle A.
(b) Middle C.
(c) High C.
(d) Low C.

15. Where are Ana’s mother’s ashes sprinkled?
(a) In the Pacific Ocean.
(b) In Nemo’s underwater gardens.
(c) In the Nautilus.
(d) In the water at her favorite park.

Short Answer Questions

1. Chapter Forty-Eight begins with Ana and who else outfitting themselves with Nemo’s dive suits?

2. What happens to Ana when the Nautilus goes into cav-drive?

3. In what language does Ana speak politely to the Nautilus?

4. In what sea does the crew of the Nautilus find themselves?

5. In Chapter Thirty-Five, what is Ester’s job as Ana gives her classmates tours of the Nautilus?

(see the answer keys)

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