Darkstalker Test | Final Test - Medium

Tui T. Sutherland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkstalker Test | Final Test - Medium

Tui T. Sutherland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What jewels does Queen Vigilance wear on her wings in Chapter 15?
(a) Rubies.
(b) Sapphires.
(c) Diamonds.
(d) Emeralds.

2. In Chapter 26, what does Arctic have that protects him?
(a) Shielding tailband.
(b) Shielding armband.
(c) Shielding ring.
(d) Shielding earring.

3. In Chapter 24, what are Fathom, Darkstalker, and Whiteout playing when Clearsight and Listener find them?
(a) Scroll tower.
(b) Scales-and-squares.
(c) Marbles.
(d) Pickup sticks.

4. How does Arctic die?
(a) Darkstalker makes him kill himself.
(b) Darkstalker strangles him.
(c) Darkstalker stabs him.
(d) Guards stab him.

5. In a note, where does Indigo say she is going?
(a) To the library.
(b) For a walk.
(c) Home.
(d) To the museum.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who takes Darkstalker's scroll?

2. What does Darkstalker make his dreamvisitors from?

3. In Chapter 23, how long has it been since Fathom has seen Darkstalker?

4. Why does the Queen of the Kingdom of Sand allow the NirghtWings and IceWings to battle across her territory?

5. Where does Darkstalker land in Chapter 29?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Foeslayer not protected in Chapter 21?

2. In Chapter 23, why is Indigo missing?

3. At the end of Chapter 25, what causes Fathom to have questions about Indigo?

4. What happens when Clearsight warns Queen Vigilance about the Ice-Wing attack in Chapter 19?

5. In Chapter 19, what does Darkstalker make to try to convince Fathom that he is not evil?

6. In Chapter 28, what does Fathom feel and see when they fly through the barrier Darkstalker made to keep IceWings out of the Night Kingdom?

7. How does an assassin try to Kill Darkstalker in Chapter 25?

8. How does Clearsight escape arrest in Chapter 27?

9. What questions does Fathom have at the end of Chapter 18?

10. In Chapter 18, why and how does Darkstalker protect himself?

(see the answer keys)

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