Darkness Visible Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkness Visible Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What new approach does Styron's psychiatrist use?
(a) Psychoanalysis.
(b) DSM recommendations.
(c) Disattachment therapy.
(d) Pharmacological, without physical and mental support.

2. What does this music make him realize?
(a) That he couldn't leave all the pleasant memories that the house around him held.
(b) That music could restore his soul.
(c) That he didn't want to life any more.
(d) That his suicide would hurt his wife too much.

3. What does Styron do about his physical disabilities?
(a) He undergoes several thousands of dollars of testing to find out he was physically fine.
(b) Stops work and stays at home.
(c) Welcomes the possibility that he might die from one of them.
(d) Gets scared he was going to die.

4. From Job to Styron's day, he says artists and writers have been trying to do what?
(a) Explain the blackness of the fantasia of depression.
(b) Overcome the effects of depression that overcome artists.
(c) Cheer up people who suffer from depression with their works.
(d) Build better relationships to overcome depression.

5. What hope does Styron say a depressed person can have?
(a) That it will eventually subside and healing will occur.
(b) That suicide will relieve their distress.
(c) That medicines can cure depression and it will never recur.
(d) That family and friends will be supportive.

Short Answer Questions

1. What piece of music moves Styron to his breakthrough and hospitalization?

2. Which novel character does Styron compare himself with?

3. What is Styron's reaction to being admitted to the hospital?

4. What conclusion can we make for what Styron says about his recovery?

5. How does Styron explain his approach to his self-destruction?

(see the answer keys)

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