Darkness Visible Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkness Visible Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what way does Styron's depression come upon him?
(a) Slowly in increments.
(b) He really didn't know how it happened.
(c) It hit him suddenly one night.
(d) A slight sadness intensified rapidly over time.

2. What two substances contribute to Styron's depression?
(a) Alcohol and Halcion.
(b) Cocaine and alcohol.
(c) Tobacco and alcohol.
(d) Heroin and tobacco.

3. What did Styron do for Hoffman regarding a political demonstration led by Hoffman?
(a) Introduced him to Lady del Duco in hopes of winning the award in the future.
(b) He never really met Hoffman, so didn't do anything for him.
(c) Referred him to a psychiatrist in New York.
(d) Testified for him at a trial in Chicago.

4. What brings about Styron's flashback at the beginning of the story?
(a) Visiting the museum.
(b) Seeing his two friends.
(c) Seeing the Hotel.
(d) Winning the award.

5. How does Camus's essay influence Stryon's philosophy of life?
(a) It makes him realize depression was a personal thing.
(b) It makes him realize life is too short.
(c) It makes him realize depression could be overcome if the person just cheered himself up.
(d) It makes him realize mankind's responsibility for the larger world.

Short Answer Questions

1. What percentage of artistic types who suffer from depression die from suicide?

2. What does Styron say is the most universal symptom of depression?

3. What does Styron say the award he received should have done for him?

4. Which group of people does depression never happen to?

5. What drugs does Styron's doctor give him that are NOT recommended for people with depression?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did the diary represent to Styron? What did he do with it?

2. What happened to Romain Gary, Styron's friend, as a result of his depression?

3. Discuss why Styron was so appreciative of receiving the del Duca award?

4. Styron describes what common factor among almost all depressed persons contemplating suicide?

5. Why did Cino del Duca, whom the award was named for, decide to publish works of literary merit?

6. Why wasn't Styron concerned about Camus, his ex-wife, and Gary when he learned they were suffering from depression?

7. What reasons might be given for Styron not having been hospitalized earlier?

8. What sort of therapy was used to help Styron overcome his depression?

9. What did Camus speak of that so strongly affected Styron? What relationship did Styron have with Camus?

10. What statistics did Styron give about depression and suicide?

(see the answer keys)

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