Darkness Visible Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkness Visible Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Styron, what often leads depressed people to commit suicide?
(a) Because of moral weakness and lack of character.
(b) Because they don't love their families like other people do.
(c) Because they don't have a very strong will to live.
(d) Because depression is so deep they can't see any other way out.

2. What reaction to the op-ed piece causes Styron to decide to write this memoir?
(a) People indicated they just didn't understand depression.
(b) His editor asked him to write the memoir.
(c) He learned his piece had saved someone's life, so wanted to reach out with more information.
(d) The number of people reacting positively causes him to think sharing his experiences would be beneficial.

3. How long does Stryon say it will be before he returns to Paris?
(a) A year.
(b) A month.
(c) A couple of years.
(d) Forever.

4. Styron agrees with what literary guide's belief?
(a) All men suffer from deep depression.
(b) Depression never causes suicide.
(c) Depression always leads to suicide.
(d) Man's alienation from other men.

5. How did Levi's friends and admirers react to his suicide?
(a) They were devastated and grieved over it.
(b) They didn't believe it.
(c) They were mystified and believed him to be weak.
(d) They tried to ignore him and his work after that.

Short Answer Questions

1. Sir Walter Scott and the Brontes linked what two illnesses interchangeably?

2. What bothers Styron about his meeting with Gary's estranged wife?

3. What causes Styron to lose his voice in Paris?

4. Though the death of the poet, Randall Jarrell, was ruled accidental, why does Styron say it was probably suicide?

5. What does Styron say about not returning to France?

Short Essay Questions

1. As Styron contemplated and planned for his suicide, what two feelings did he describe?

2. What did Styron say was his most difficult piece of writing, and how did he describe it?

3. What did Styron say about the impression his intense thoughts of suicide would have on others?

4. Discuss why Styron was so appreciative of receiving the del Duca award?

5. What did Camus speak of that so strongly affected Styron? What relationship did Styron have with Camus?

6. What term did Stryon say was a more apt description of depression than that word itself?

7. What statistics did Styron give about depression and suicide?

8. Who did Styron say the depressed person was dangerous to, and why?

9. Why wasn't Styron concerned about Camus, his ex-wife, and Gary when he learned they were suffering from depression?

10. What other changes occurred with Styron beside mental distress?

(see the answer keys)

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