Darkness Visible Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkness Visible Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the doctor tell Styron about his medicine, Halcion, and its dosage?
(a) It is three times the normal dose and not recommended for men his age.
(b) It is the best medicine.
(c) He needs a much larger dose.
(d) It is not effective for depression.

2. How does Styron respond to the experimental approach?
(a) He demanded another drug.
(b) He immediately got better.
(c) He was in mental anguish, wanting immediate relief.
(d) He didn't notice anything, but was hopeful so did better.

3. What is the hardest piece of writing Styron attempted during his depression?
(a) He stopped writing altogether.
(b) Poetry, due to its emotional nature.
(c) His goodbye letter.
(d) Any upbeat writing.

4. What aspect of depression parallels the threshold of pain?
(a) Its pervasiveness.
(b) Its deep intensity.
(c) Its unrelenting nature.
(d) The inability of the depressed person to absorb pain beyond predictable periods of time.

5. Styron compares the theories about depression to the theories about what?
(a) The world is square/round debate.
(b) Dinosaurs and Black Holes.
(c) Evolution.
(d) Creation.

6. What two things does Styron believe led to his depression?
(a) Chemical dependence and illness.
(b) His wife's infidelity and the loss of his job.
(c) His physical illness and his anxiety.
(d) His mother's death and a hereditary factor through his father.

7. What is Styron's avoidance of death due to?
(a) His love for his wife.
(b) The recognition he got from others.
(c) His writings and intellectual endeavors.
(d) His homage to his mother.

8. Why are late afternoons so distressing to Styron?
(a) He takes naps and had nightmares during the nap.
(b) He gets sleepy and couldn't work.
(c) He has to go to his doctor every afternoon.
(d) He suffers from panic and anxiety.

9. Which writer does Styron quote as saying he had "lost the right path"?
(a) Shakespeare.
(b) Dante.
(c) Camus.
(d) Gary.

10. What is a probable reason that Styron's doctor or family don't suggest hospitalization for him?
(a) He gets angry whenever they approach the subject.
(b) They don't know he was that bad.
(c) They don't think it would help him.
(d) The social stigma and the fact that mental illness is not tangible or visible.

11. What is so frustrating about depression for artists, musicians, and scientists?
(a) It affects many of their families.
(b) The inability to explain and convey it to others who haven't had it.
(c) It interferes with their work.
(d) Frequent hospitalizations with their depresion interrupts their lives.

12. What conclusion can we make for what Styron says about his recovery?
(a) Medicines need to be adjusted correctly.
(b) That is was difficult and required a lot of strength.
(c) That he just needed some more rest.
(d) Writing in his diary helped him recover.

13. What piece of music moves Styron to his breakthrough and hospitalization?
(a) Beethoven's Fifth.
(b) Halleluah Chorus.
(c) Chopin's Funeral March.
(d) Brahms's Alto Rhapsody.

14. What does Styron do to try and stop the hopeless feelings?
(a) Take long walks in the woods.
(b) Clung to familiar items like glasses and pens.
(c) Get his doctor to give him more medicine.
(d) Drink huge amounts of alcohol.

15. What three brand-name items does Styron use to destroy his diary?
(a) None, just throws it away in the garbage.
(b) Diamond matches, Kingsford Charcoal lighter, and Viva towels.
(c) Cheez-its box, 3M tape, and Brawny towels.
(d) Viva towels, Scotch tape, and Post Raisin Bran cereal box.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sort of people does Styron say is more prone to depression?

2. Though depression tends to recur, what advantage do sufferers of recurrence have?

3. What does the depression and sense of hopelessness cause Styron to do?

4. From Job to Styron's day, he says artists and writers have been trying to do what?

5. What therapies are used in the hospital?

(see the answer keys)

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