Darkness at Noon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkness at Noon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On what does Rubashov say Ivanov’s loyalty to No. 1 is based?
(a) Logical considerations
(b) Blind faith
(c) Patriotism
(d) Friendship

2. For what reason does Kieffer beg his life be spared?
(a) He did not mean to say any of it.
(b) He could not help who his father was.
(c) He was led astray by Rubashov.
(d) He is very young.

3. What does Hare-lip say is the what Rubashov says is the way No. 1 will no longer be in power?
(a) No. 1 will be forced out by the Party.
(b) No. 1 will be removed by violence.
(c) No. 1 will resign when he is old.
(d) No. 1 will never be removed.

4. What does Rubashov say he will explain to the judges?
(a) What types of counter-revolutionary movements he led
(b) What led him to capitulate to the investigating magistrate
(c) Why the revolution has failed
(d) Why No. 1 is not fit to rule the country

5. What does Hare-lip say Rubashov called Hare-lip’s father the last time they saw each other?
(a) A counter-revolutionary
(b) An old fool and Don Quixote
(c) A simpleton
(d) A hopeless romantic

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Wassilij turn his head away from the reader?

2. What does Rubashov feel is one of the worst degradation during his interviews with Gletkin?

3. What is something Rubashov notices about his body shortly before they shoot him?

4. Why does Rubashov ask for a recess for a few minutes?

5. What does Rubashov think Gletkin represents?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Rubashov’s diary entry at the beginning of the Third Hearing contain?

2. What is the result of Gletkin’s pushing Rubashov with no sleep?

3. What happens with Rubashov right after he signs the last charge?

4. What does Prisoner 402 say about capitulation? What does Rubashov think of this belief?

5. What happens after 402 taps his farewell to Rubashov?

6. What does Rubashov realize about his relationship with Gletkin? Why does he think this?

7. What does Wassilij’s daughter have to say about Rubashov’s trial and what is his response?

8. What does Wassilij think about right after the questions concerning Arlova are read to him?

9. What does Wassilij say to his daughter about Rubashov’s speech?

10. What does the reactionary peasant do to end up in prison?

(see the answer keys)

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