Darkness at Noon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkness at Noon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rubashov say is the one argument the party has to settle a difference of opinion?
(a) The masses are like sheep
(b) Death to opposition
(c) The state has the power
(d) The consequence is obvious

2. What does the barber put under Rubashov’s collar?
(a) A photograph
(b) A piece of paper
(c) A piece of chocolate
(d) Some prison vouchers

3. As Rubashov is lying in his cell the first morning, what does he think will happen to him?
(a) He will be in prison for several years.
(b) He will be sent to Siberia.
(c) He will be shot.
(d) He will be released.

4. What color blouses did Arlova always wear?
(a) Black
(b) Red
(c) White
(d) Blue

5. With what does Rubashov say he and the other leaders of the revolution replaced vision?
(a) Nothing, vision was never discussed
(b) Logical deduction
(c) A specific set of laws
(d) Hard work

Short Answer Questions

1. What principle does Ivanov says governs political ethics?

2. How much did Rubashov have to pay for the taxi ride he took when he left Richard?

3. To what round is Rubashov attached for daily exercise?

4. How many minutes were the prisoners not in isolation allowed to walk outside?

5. Ivanov believes that he is what kind of person? What kind of person does Ivanov believe Gletkin to be?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Rubashov meet with Little Loewy?

2. What happens to Rubashov the first time he is imprisoned?

3. What was Prisoner 406’s sentence in his country of origin? How much time does he serve? How does he get out of prison?

4. What does Rubashov tell the warden when he is asked why he is not out of bed? What is the warden’s reply?

5. Where does Rubashov take the taxi when he leaves Richard? What does the driver do when they arrive there?

6. Why does Rubashov think he is unable to hate No. 1?

7. What does Rubashov daydream about on his seventh day in prison?

8. Why does Rubashov feel guilty about Arlova’s death?

9. What does Rubashov see the last night of the two weeks given to Rubashov by Ivanov? Who arranges it?

10. What does Ivanov tell Rubashov the day after Bogrov is killed?

(see the answer keys)

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