Darkly Dreaming Dexter Test | Final Test - Medium

Jeff Lindsay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkly Dreaming Dexter Test | Final Test - Medium

Jeff Lindsay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. All of the following items are found in or around the heads in Chapter 19, except for which item?
(a) Drywall.
(b) A Barbie.
(c) A toy truck.
(d) A mirror.

2. What is Deborah's nickname for Dexter?
(a) Shnookums.
(b) Dexy.
(c) Snuggles.
(d) Dex-Dex.

3. When asked, "wha' kinda cop you are, ha?" Dexter replies, "I'm a ______."
(a) Detective.
(b) Forensic Investigator.
(c) Nerd cop.
(d) Homicide detective.

4. Dexter says, "I know it is a nearly human weakness, and it may be no more than ordinary sentimentality, but I have always loved ______."
(a) Births.
(b) Morgues.
(c) Funerals.
(d) Concerts.

5. The arms and legs found at the ice rink spelled out ______.
(a) Die.
(b) Hi.
(c) Boo.
(d) Ha ha.

Short Answer Questions

1. Dexter tells LaGuerta, "all of McHale's victims were off ______.

2. Besides the killer, who else had asked Dexter, "what do you remember from before?"

3. Who informs Deborah that she is close to be suspended?

4. In Chapter 24, Deborah signed out of work to go to ________.

5. What does Dexter find in his passenger seat of his car?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does the bodies of the three heads turn up? Who finds the bodies? What is unique about the way the killer arranged the limbs?

2. How does Dexter feel about people at the Metro-Dade police force saying he has a feeling for serial homicide? Explain.

3. What is the name of Dexter's latest kill in Chapter 14? What crime did this person commit? How does Dexter's victim feel about the crime he has committed?

4. Explain why there is a battle for jurisdiction at the crime scene. Who is the battle between? Who ultimately wins the battle?

5. What two conclusions does Dexter come to when thinking about the Jaworski murder case?

6. What souvenir does Dexter collect from his victims? Whom does Dexter not get a souvenir from? How does he go about retrieving his souvenir?

7. Explain the theme highlighted in Chapter 14.

8. Why is LaGuerta angry with Deborah in Chapter 22? How does LaGuerta take out her frustrations on Deborah?

9. When was the last time Dexter was inside the storage container? How did this event effect Dexter?

10. Where does Deborah think the bodies of the three heads might be? Does Dexter agree with Deborah's hypothesis? Explain.

(see the answer keys)

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