Darkly Dreaming Dexter Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Jeff Lindsay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkly Dreaming Dexter Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Jeff Lindsay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 10-11.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who encourages Dexter to kill people who deserve it?
(a) Harry.
(b) Deborah.
(c) Father Donovan.
(d) LaGuerta.

2. In Chapter 3, who finds the murder victim?
(a) A construction worker.
(b) A veterinarian.
(c) A restaurant worker.
(d) A pharmacist.

3. Dexter says that ______ are important to him.
(a) Children.
(b) Criminals.
(c) Animals.
(d) The elderly.

4. Dexter reveals that their murder suspect is nicknamed the ______.
(a) Tamiami Trail Butcher.
(b) Miami Vampire.
(c) Sunset Slayer.
(d) Gainesville Ripper.

5. Who suspects there is something up with Dexter?
(a) Maxwell.
(b) Niles.
(c) Deborah.
(d) LaGuerta.

Short Answer Questions

1. Dexter says that he has a small reputation for ______.

2. What is unusual about the crime scene in Chapter 2?

3. Where does Deborah and Dexter go to eat breakfast in Chapter 7?

4. What type of vehicle passes Dexter, throws an object at his car, and jumps the raising draw bridge?

5. Who says, "you're different, Dexter. But you can learn to control that difference and use it constructively"?

(see the answer key)

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