Darkest Fear Test | Final Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkest Fear Test | Final Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Greg shock Myron as the book draws to a close?
(a) He has always known that Myron was Jeremy's father.
(b) He thanks Myron for finding the donor.
(c) He hates Myron for stealing Emily.
(d) He is glad that Emily and Myron slept together.

2. In Chapter 34, from whom does Myron receive a phone call?
(a) Kimberly Green.
(b) Eric Ford.
(c) Emma.
(d) Win.

3. What has happened to Gibbs in Chapter 30?
(a) He gets caught for embezzling and sent to prison.
(b) He has disappeared.
(c) He admits he is the Sow the Seeds Killer.
(d) He decides to move out of the country.

4. As Chapter 21 begins, what is Win convinced Myron must do?
(a) Admit to Jeremy he is his biological father.
(b) Tell Emily to back off.
(c) Discover exactly why the FBI is interested in Stan Gibbs.
(d) Run away with Terese.

5. Of what does Dr. Singh inform Myron after Jeremy is found?
(a) He cannot harvest bone marrow from dead people.
(b) Jeremy no longer has a donor.
(c) Myron is a match for Jeremy.
(d) Jeremy is getting better, he won't need the transplant.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who has been the donor for Jeremy all along?

2. How long ago did Stan's father disappear?

3. Why does Terese call Myron in Chapter 39?

4. In Chapter 36, as everyone scrambles to find Jeremy, what does Emily wonder?

5. What is odd about the note from George Garston to his daughter that was signed, "With love Dad?"

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Myron upset and angry after meeting George Garston?

2. When Myron meets with Susan Lex again, how is he threatened?

3. As Myron meets with Stan Gibbs again in Chapter Twenty-Six, what does he reveal to Myron?

4. What does Greg admit to Myron about Emily?

5. How does Win protect Myron when Susan Lex's people corner Myron?

6. When Myron finally has a chance to speak with Jeremy at basketball practice, what does Jeremy reveal?

7. After breakfast, what news does Esperanza bring to Myron concerning the Lex's?

8. What don't Myron and the FBI understand about Stan Gibbs?

9. Who is Chase Layton and why is Myron pressuring him for information?

10. Where do they find Jeremy?

(see the answer keys)

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