Darkest Fear Test | Final Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkest Fear Test | Final Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Eric Ford, the FBI Deputy Director, is very interested in Stan Gibbs. What does Ford's presence mean for Myron's case?
(a) He will get help that he needs.
(b) The case is much bigger than finding Jeremy's donor.
(c) The FBI is sticking its nose where it does not belong.
(d) Local police don't want to be involved with Myron.

2. What is odd about the note from George Garston to his daughter that was signed, "With love Dad?"
(a) George was not close with Melina - he would not have left that note.
(b) The note is not in George's handwriting.
(c) George was called Papa by his children.
(d) Melina kept all of her items from her dad at her parents' house.

3. Who is Peggy Joyce?
(a) Dennis' ex girlfriend.
(b) Dennis' aunt.
(c) Dennis' preschool teacher.
(d) A distant Lex relation.

4. Where does Emily think Jeremy is?
(a) At the library.
(b) At his dad's house.
(c) At School.
(d) At a friend's house.

5. What is Myron's father unwilling to do?
(a) Go for a run.
(b) Be intimate with his wife.
(c) Cry.
(d) He is not willing to grow old.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has been found underneath Edwin Gibbs' farmhouse?

2. What does Myron refuse to accept from Greg?

3. Where do Myron and Emily decide to go together?

4. Who brings Myron to Melina's apartment?

5. What does Stan uncover about the Lex's?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Emma, Myron's mother, wish for Myron to visit home and speak with Al?

2. As Myron meets with Stan Gibbs again in Chapter Twenty-Six, what does he reveal to Myron?

3. Myron meets with Eric Ford, the Deputy Director of the FBI, and discovers what information concerning Stan Gibbs? How does Ford wish to help Myron?

4. Why does Stan wish to bring the Lex's down?

5. What information does Myron gather from his meeting with Peggy Joyce?

6. What don't Myron and the FBI understand about Stan Gibbs?

7. Where does Stan agree to take Myron once he admits his father is the Sow the Seeds Killer?

8. How does Win protect Myron when Susan Lex's people corner Myron?

9. How does Myron act after Greg is hit by a bullet?

10. Where does Myron's group go after they are done interrogating Chase?

(see the answer keys)

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