Darkest Fear Test | Final Test - Easy

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkest Fear Test | Final Test - Easy

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Win offer Chase Layton in return for information about the Lex's?
(a) Business with MB Sports Reps.
(b) A new car.
(c) A cash bribe.
(d) Business with Lock-Horne, his company.

2. Who warned Gibbs against writing an investigative article on Dennis Lex?
(a) Granger.
(b) Susan Lex.
(c) Bronwyn Lex.
(d) Grover.

3. Where does Myron find Jeremy?
(a) In the East River.
(b) Buried beneath the ground.
(c) Chained to the inside of the farmhouse.
(d) Locked in a basement.

4. What surprises Myron regarding Stan and Susan's relationship?
(a) They were childhood friends.
(b) They are secretely related.
(c) The fact that there is an existing relationship.
(d) The two were romantic.

5. How is this place connected to the Lex's?
(a) There is no connection.
(b) It is in the back of their home.
(c) It is their family business.
(d) It is the law office of the Lex's attorneys.

6. As Myron arrives at the police station, who is in the cell with Stan Gibbs?
(a) Aunt Rachel Steinberg.
(b) Aunt Clara Steinberg.
(c) Aunt Agnes Stewart.
(d) Aunt Clara Augusta.

7. Why does Terese call Myron in Chapter 39?
(a) She tells Myron she loves him.
(b) She wants to hook up with Win.
(c) Her producer wants an interview with Myron about the case.
(d) Terese wants to interview Jeremy.

8. What has happened to Gibbs in Chapter 30?
(a) He decides to move out of the country.
(b) He gets caught for embezzling and sent to prison.
(c) He has disappeared.
(d) He admits he is the Sow the Seeds Killer.

9. What is odd about the note from George Garston to his daughter that was signed, "With love Dad?"
(a) Melina kept all of her items from her dad at her parents' house.
(b) George was not close with Melina - he would not have left that note.
(c) George was called Papa by his children.
(d) The note is not in George's handwriting.

10. Eric Ford, the FBI Deputy Director, is very interested in Stan Gibbs. What does Ford's presence mean for Myron's case?
(a) He will get help that he needs.
(b) The FBI is sticking its nose where it does not belong.
(c) The case is much bigger than finding Jeremy's donor.
(d) Local police don't want to be involved with Myron.

11. In Chapters 26-30, how does the pace of the novel change?
(a) The author constantly changes the pace.
(b) The pace of the novel stays the same.
(c) The pace quickens as a lot of information is revealed.
(d) The pace slows down so that the reader can absorb all of the information.

12. In Chapter 35, where do Greg, Stan, and Myron travel?
(a) To a house at the beach.
(b) To a house upstate.
(c) To a home in Jersey.
(d) To an old farmhouse.

13. In Chapter 27, what news does Greg have regarding Nathan Mostoni?
(a) He fled the country.
(b) Mostoni has died.
(c) He has many visitors at his home.
(d) Mostoni has left town.

14. With whom does Myron arrange a meeting at the end of Chapter 30?
(a) Win and Esperanza.
(b) Eric Ford, Captain Green, and Win.
(c) Esperanza.
(d) Win, Esperanza, Big Cyndi, and Zorra.

15. Who does the FBI think was the Sow the Seeds Killer's first victim?
(a) Edwin Green.
(b) Davis Taylor.
(c) Dennis Lex.
(d) Melina Garston.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of relationship does Jeremy want to have with Myron?

2. When did Edwin Gibbs lose his mind?

3. What does Stan assume about Melina Garston's death?

4. In Chapter 33, where do Susan and Myron drive?

5. What new development does Stan have in his life?

(see the answer keys)

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