Darkest Fear Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkest Fear Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Greg tell Myron about Emily and her will to find the donor?
(a) Emily has consulted many doctors to find more donors.
(b) Emily will use Jeremy to get closer to Myron.
(c) Emily will hurt Greg and Myron to get Jeremy's donor.
(d) Emily will do anything and everything it takes to find Jeremy's donor.

2. What pushes Myron to delve deeper into the Lex's background?
(a) He has a vendetta concerning the Lex family.
(b) He thinks Dennis Lex was framed.
(c) Their intense need for privacy and security.
(d) He has no other leads.

3. What is Myron's main attitude about life?
(a) Make lots of money.
(b) Win his first love back.
(c) He is generally depressed.
(d) To do what is right.

4. Why is there no happy ending for Myron and the person with whom he went to the Caribbean?
(a) They cannot civilly live in the same state.
(b) Their relationship is purely physical.
(c) They have no foundation on which to build a relationship.
(d) They do not like each other.

5. How does Susan Lex receive Myron at her office?
(a) Happily.
(b) Resigned.
(c) Warmly.
(d) Angrily.

6. With whom does Myron have an appointment the following morning?
(a) Jeremy's father.
(b) Emily.
(c) Win.
(d) Jeremy's doctor.

7. In Chapter 7, of what is Greg Downing convinced?
(a) He will find Jeremy's donor on his own.
(b) He does not need Myron's help to find the donor.
(c) Myron's evil intentions.
(d) His wife's affairs.

8. If Jeremy's real, biological parents decide to have another child, what could happen?
(a) Myron would have a chance to reunite with Emily.
(b) The chances of Emily birthing another child are slim.
(c) The child would probably develop the same disease.
(d) There would be another donor created.

9. When Myron sees Jeremy for the first time, how does Myron feel?
(a) Regret from sleeping with Emily.
(b) He is resolved.
(c) Myron is speechless.
(d) Myron has no feelings for Jeremy.

10. What is similar about Myron and Esperanza's upbringing?
(a) They have bad relationships with their fathers.
(b) They grew up in very loving families.
(c) Their mothers died when they were young.
(d) They were both adopted.

11. How does Stan Gibbs react to Myron's mentioning of Dennis Lex?
(a) Very Strongly.
(b) Stan Gibbs has trouble recalling any information.
(c) Vaguely, as if trying to remember who Dennis is.
(d) Not at all, because he does not know Dennis.

12. Where do Myron and Dr. Singh meet at the beginning of chapter 6?
(a) Babies and Children Hospital.
(b) Children's Hospital.
(c) Our Lady of the Upper West Side.
(d) All Saints Hospital.

13. The almost psychotic need for privacy and secrecy is considered __________ to Myron.
(a) Normal.
(b) Scary.
(c) Odd.
(d) Frightening.

14. Why was Gibbs reluctant to discuss the accusation of plagiarism?
(a) Because he did not plagiarize.
(b) He wanted to hide the fact that he did plagiarize.
(c) He does not want to feel like someone is taking advantage of him.
(d) He thought discussing the accusation would make matters worse.

15. Until last year, where did Myron live?
(a) In Tribeca with a roomate.
(b) Staten Island.
(c) In Queens with a girlfriend.
(d) In New Jersey, with his parents.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does the majority of the book take place?

2. The Sow the Seed author's writings are similar to a novel by _______________.

3. What fate has befallen Melina Garston ?

4. For what is Greg Downing responsible?

5. Why does Dr. Singh give Myron a paternity test?

(see the answer keys)

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