The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the desert bake out of the gunslinger?
(a) Thoughts of love
(b) Thoughts of guilt
(c) Thoughts of a happy life
(d) Thoughts of friendship

2. How long have Jake and the gunslinger been in the foothills?
(a) Three days
(b) Two days
(c) Two weeks
(d) One week

3. What question does the gunslinger ask the man in black?
(a) He asks who the man in black's master is.
(b) He asks how he can be as powerful as the man in black.
(c) He asks how he can reach the next level.
(d) He asks how long he has been a minion of the Tower.

4. Who taught the gunslinger how to shoot?
(a) His father
(b) Cort
(c) An outlaw
(d) His brother

5. What do Roland and Cuthbert do after they hear the secret conversation?
(a) Tell their mothers.
(b) Tell the Good Man.
(c) Tell their fathers.
(d) Tell the priest.

6. What does the man in black do with the tarot cards?
(a) Tells the gunslinger's future
(b) Throws them into the air
(c) Tosses them into the fire
(d) Lays them out in front of the gunslinger

7. What prediction does Allie make about the weather?
(a) It is going to dust up.
(b) It looks like rain.
(c) It is going to be inhumanly hot.
(d) It is going to be cold.

8. Where does the man in black lead the gunslinger?
(a) Back into the desert
(b) The mountains
(c) Back to Tull
(d) The ancient killing grounds

9. What means of transportation are Jake and the gunslinger using to follow the man in black?
(a) A horse
(b) On foot
(c) An underground railcar
(d) An old mule

10. What does the gunslinger ask the oracle as he lays on the stone altar?
(a) He asks for strength.
(b) He asks for a prophecy.
(c) He asks for courage.
(d) He asks for help.

11. What becomes of the gunslinger after he passes out in the sand?
(a) Jake kicks him in the stomach and takes his guns.
(b) Jake throws him into a newly dug grave.
(c) Jake sits beside him, not knowing what to do.
(d) Jake lays him in a hay bed and cools his face with water.

12. What do the boys ask their fathers about the hanging in the town?
(a) They ask if they can talk to the prisoner before the hanging.
(b) They ask if they can watch.
(c) They ask if they can offer prayers before the hanging.
(d) They ask that they not be made to watch.

13. What conversation do Roland and Cuthbert overhear as they are eating dessert?
(a) They hear Hax and a guard plan to free a prisoner from the castle.
(b) They hear Hax and a guard plan to kill the people of Farson.
(c) They hear Cort and Hax plan to kill the people of Farson.
(d) They hear Cort plan to kill the people of Farson.

14. What are Soobie and Kennerly doing as the gunslinger rides away?
(a) Screaming obscenities after him
(b) Staring at each other
(c) Helping each other into the house
(d) Arguing with each other

15. What is the gunslinger able to do in spite of being stabbed several times?
(a) Hop onto his horse
(b) Reload his guns
(c) Run for shelter
(d) Drag himself away from the mob

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Brown think the man in black is?

2. What does the gunslinger give to Jake for protection?

3. What does Sylvia accuse the gunslinger of doing to her?

4. What is involved in passing the gunslinger test?

5. What is the scene as the gunslinger dreams?

(see the answer keys)

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