Dark Night of the Soul Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Night of the Soul Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many steps are on the ladder of love?
(a) Infinite.
(b) Ten.
(c) A hundred.
(d) Twenty.

2. What happened to Jeremias and Moses after being infused with the wisdom of God?
(a) They spoke in another language.
(b) They were knocked unconscious.
(c) They became wealthy.
(d) There were unable to speak.

3. In what other way does the author describe the passions of man being at rest?
(a) Aroused.
(b) Imprisoned.
(c) Tortured.
(d) Asleep.

4. St. John says that the knowledge of the divine come to the soul in what way?
(a) By the Holy Spirit.
(b) By rejecting sin.
(c) By the power of the human mind.
(d) By battling evil.

5. According to St. John, how many believers will reach the union with God without going through trials?
(a) Only priests.
(b) Some women.
(c) All men.
(d) None.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book II, Chapter XXI, what color represents the garment of faith?

2. In Book II, Chapter XXIV, in what state is the soul when the soul is united with divine wisdom after passing through the dark night?

3. According to St. John, on what step does the soul seek to do something worthy of God without any favor from God?

4. What stanza from "Stanzas of the Soul" is featured in Book II, Chapter XXV?

5. When the souls on earth are purged, with what do they become infused, according to Book II, Chapter XII?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Book II, Chapter XII, how does the desire of God influence understanding and love on a believer passing through the dark night?

2. How does St. John conclude his book in the final chapter?

3. How is this unification achieved with God, according to Book II, Chapter XXIV?

4. What did God do with Job during the dark night that allowed the devil access to his life, as explained by the author?

5. How can a soul reach the sixth step on the secret ladder, as written in Book II, Chapter XX? What do men receive while on this step?

6. Why must the soul become numb to natural desires to receive God's strength and a union with God, according to Book II, Chapter XVI?

7. What does St. John say happens to the soul after it has become enkindled and starts yearning for God? What would happen if the fire were to go away?

8. How can a soul reach the final step on the secret ladder? What happens on this step?

9. In Book II, Chapter XXI, what are the colors of the disguise of the soul on the secret ladder, and what do they represent?

10. In Book II, Chapter XXIII, what does the devil know about what is happening to a soul during the dark night and what does the devil do about it?

(see the answer keys)

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