Dark Night of the Soul Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Night of the Soul Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book II, Chapter XII, what--more than understanding--will be imparted to the soul because of the will of God?
(a) Guilt.
(b) Repentance.
(c) Love.
(d) Sin.

2. In what is the soul enveloped before passing through the dark night?
(a) A collection of angels.
(b) A pit of despair.
(c) A cloud of darkness.
(d) Evil demons.

3. What are souls on the sixth step granted, according to St. John?
(a) Things which they ask for.
(b) Eternal life.
(c) Magical powers.
(d) Immense wealth.

4. What happens at the same time the soul is yearning for God in Book II, Chapter XI?
(a) The fire of God burns the soul.
(b) The comfort of God gives peace.
(c) The forces of evil burn the soul.
(d) The love of friends gives comfort.

5. In what form is the image of the spiritual ladder first found in the Bible?
(a) A lie.
(b) A nightmare.
(c) A joke.
(d) A dream.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what is the secret ladder a reference, as mentioned in Book II, Chapter XV?

2. What is the purpose for writing Dark Night of the Soul that St. John describes?

3. When the souls on earth are purged, with what do they become infused, according to Book II, Chapter XII?

4. The use of the term "dark night" throughout Dark Night of the Soul by St. John is an example of what?

5. What holds the soul in bondage?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is St. John's explained purpose for writing the book Dark Night of the Soul in Book II, Chapter XXII?

2. From where does St. John say the image of the spiritual ladder is derived?

3. How does St. John of the Cross use Mary Magdalene as an example of a soul passing through the second night of darkness?

4. How can a soul reach the sixth step on the secret ladder, as written in Book II, Chapter XX? What do men receive while on this step?

5. As discussed in Book II, Chapter XXIV, when will the soul finally find peace and rest? Why?

6. What does St. John say happens on the fourth step of love of the secret ladder? Why does the soul not want favor from God?

7. In Book II, Chapter XXIII, what does the devil know about what is happening to a soul during the dark night and what does the devil do about it?

8. Why does the author say that people who have never passed through the dark night understand spiritual freedom?

9. What did God do with Job during the dark night that allowed the devil access to his life, as explained by the author?

10. In Book II, Chapter XV, why does the soul praise the darkness that causes so much pain?

(see the answer keys)

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