Dark Night of the Soul Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Night of the Soul Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book I, Chapter XII | Book I, Chapter XIII.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Dark Night of the Soul during the dark night, the soul learns that by itself it is what?
(a) Weak and miserable.
(b) Worthless to the devil.
(c) Strong.
(d) Sinful and guilty.

2. According to St. John, what strong desire does a new Christian experience?
(a) A need for acceptance.
(b) The desire to be good.
(c) Sensual pleasure.
(d) A thirst for God.

3. What is another name for avarice?
(a) Lust.
(b) Laziness.
(c) Greed.
(d) Anger.

4. What is the topic of the prologue?
(a) The biography of the author.
(b) A history of the Bible.
(c) The purpose of the book.
(d) Other authors' works.

5. According to St. John, what happens when beginners try to build their own spirituality instead of waiting on God?
(a) They succeed.
(b) They begin to influence other into sin.
(c) They become frustrated with the progress.
(d) They begin to feel like they no longer need God.

Short Answer Questions

1. The seven deadly sins are recognized by what Christian community?

2. Gluttony is exhibited when believers go to extremes and will not stop what?

3. In Book I, Chapter V, beginners fall victim to wrath when they lets the sins of other do what?

4. In Book I, Chapter II, what sin do beginners exhibit when they choose leaders who agree with their views?

5. To what does St. John compare a new Christian?

(see the answer key)

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