Dark Life: Book 1 Test | Final Test - Easy

Kat Falls
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Life: Book 1 Test | Final Test - Easy

Kat Falls
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Eel's Dark Gift?
(a) Temperature control.
(b) Electromagnetivity.
(c) Telepathy.
(d) Sonar.

2. What is Ms. Spinner's job?
(a) Boarding house head.
(b) Child psychologist.
(c) Grief therapist.
(d) Nurse.

3. What color eyes does Ty see watching Gemma as she kicks off her disguise?
(a) Yellow.
(b) Red.
(c) Black.
(d) Green.

4. What does Ty do when he sees the prison?
(a) Shoots at it.
(b) Goes inside.
(c) Sends a message to Doc about it.
(d) Runs away.

5. What color is Shade when he comes in the house?
(a) Blue.
(b) White.
(c) Black.
(d) Red.

6. What music does Ty hear after Gemma realizes her brother was in Seablite?
(a) A whale song.
(b) Gemma singing.
(c) A siren from above.
(d) Pick axes.

7. From whom did Gemma steal an ID card?
(a) Ty's father.
(b) The saloon owner.
(c) Doc.
(d) Grimes.

8. How does Raj plan to deal with Shade?
(a) Drown him.
(b) Shoot him.
(c) Arrest him.
(d) Hang him.

9. Why does Ty say Shade owes him a favor?
(a) He got rid of Doc.
(b) He protected his sister.
(c) He saved his life.
(d) He revealed his secret.

10. How does Shade respond when Gemma asks if she can live with him?
(a) Harshly.
(b) Kindly.
(c) Sadly.
(d) Reluctantly.

11. What was Gemma on a waiting list for when she ran away?
(a) A foster family.
(b) A better apartment.
(c) A new school.
(d) A transfer of jobs.

12. What is Ty's dark gift?
(a) Temperature control.
(b) Biosonar.
(c) Weather control.
(d) Electric shock.

13. Why does Ty get something from Grimes?
(a) To get away from Doc.
(b) To save Gemma.
(c) To follow Shade.
(d) To protect his family.

14. Who is the last person out when there is a crack in the wall?
(a) Doc.
(b) Shade.
(c) Ty.
(d) Zoe.

15. Who calls the animals that save the settlers when there is a crack in the wall?
(a) Hymen.
(b) Jibby.
(c) Ty.
(d) Zoe.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of cage is Ty locked in?

2. Where does Ty tell Gemma to go when something appears above the house?

3. What does Gemma help unload at the Peavey's farm?

4. Who does Ty say needs to govern the settlers?

5. How does Gemma know her brother was in Seablite?

(see the answer keys)

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