Dark Force Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Force Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Winter calls Lady Luck to say that Luke has checked in and wants to rendezvous at ____.
(a) Coruscant.
(b) Wayland.
(c) Dagobah.
(d) New Cov.

2. Rukh is ordered to use his hunter's instincts to find the Jedi, ysalamiri are deployed, and all cars are moved to herd the fugitives toward the ____.
(a) Hangar bay.
(b) Throne Room.
(c) Detention block.
(d) Bridge.

3. On Coruscant, Karrde explains again that his assumption that he was the only one to record the coordinates 15 years ago is wrong and that ____ also could have.
(a) Ferrier.
(b) Mara.
(c) Bel Iblis.
(d) Hoffner.

4. Sena asks Han to convince Mon Mothma to invite ____ to join the New Republic.
(a) Pelleaon.
(b) Thrawn.
(c) Irenez.
(d) Bel Iblis.

5. In the Imperial Palace for the first time in ____ years, Mara is nostalgic.
(a) Six.
(b) Seven.
(c) Five.
(d) Four.

6. Wedge introduces himself as Han's representative in handing the ship, named ____ over to Mara.
(a) Entryway.
(b) Spaceway.
(c) Gateway.
(d) Etherway.

7. Bel Iblis organizes the meeting with Mon Mothma and Bail Organa that starts the ____ , for which Mon Mothma now takes credit.
(a) Coruscant High Council.
(b) Rebel Alliance.
(c) Katana Fleet.
(d) Empire.

8. Suddenly, the Escort Frigate Quenfis appears, and Captain ____ places the boarding party under arrest.
(a) Virgilio.
(b) Virgil.
(c) Vinchenzo.
(d) Vigero.

9. When word comes that Karrde is missing, Thrawn orders Karrde to be ____.
(a) Captured alive.
(b) Captured and tortured.
(c) Captured and hung.
(d) Shot on sight.

10. Karrde secretly gets Leia to turn on communications circuits so the crew overhears Fey'lya admit that troops are ____ .
(a) Mindless nothings.
(b) Expendable.
(c) Coming to board the ship.
(d) Under his control.

11. A turbolift car takes Luke and Mara meandering through Chimaera to an access door to the ____.
(a) Detention center.
(b) Lounge.
(c) Fresher Unit.
(d) Garbage pit.

12. Captain Brandei detects Rebels aboard ____ dreadnaughts.
(a) Three.
(b) One.
(c) Four.
(d) Two.

13. C'baoth launches ____ from his fingertips, which Luke blocks with his lightsaber.
(a) Wind.
(b) Lightening.
(c) Bombs.
(d) Fire.

14. Mara tries to arrange a meeting with Thrawn by identifying herself as The Emperor's ____.
(a) Hand.
(b) Head.
(c) Foot.
(d) Heart.

15. Ferrier suggests to Lando that they talk about ____.
(a) The repairs to the Lady Luck.
(b) The problems with Ackbar.
(c) The Katana Fleet.
(d) The Dark Jedi.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Thrawn asks about her long absence, Mara hears in her head that she must kill ____.

2. Before the metallic Grand Dukha stand the thirteen male ____ .

3. At the Grand Dukha, the spokesman's name is ____ .

4. Han is sure six dreadnaughts and Bel Iblis' reputation will delight the ____.

5. After broaching the subject of Thrawn's treachery on soil detoxification, Leia announces that they must free Khabarakh and steal ____.

(see the answer keys)

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