Dark Force Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Force Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Karrde declares that ____ will benefit from Karrde's release.
(a) The Wookies.
(b) Luke and Mara.
(c) The New Republic.
(d) The Empire.

2. Fey'lya charges that Han wants the ____ for presenting the Katana Fleet.
(a) Glory.
(b) Senate seat.
(c) Promotion.
(d) Reward money.

3. When word comes that Karrde is missing, Thrawn orders Karrde to be ____.
(a) Captured and hung.
(b) Captured and tortured.
(c) Shot on sight.
(d) Captured alive.

4. Wedge introduces himself as Han's representative in handing the ship, named ____ over to Mara.
(a) Gateway.
(b) Entryway.
(c) Etherway.
(d) Spaceway.

5. Adamant has captured one of Karrde's ____.
(a) Associates.
(b) Fighters.
(c) Informants.
(d) Freighters.

6. Han and Lando aboard the Coral Vanda scan the Tralla Room as the transparent submersible ____ floats amidst the glorious coral reefs of Pantolomin.
(a) Casino.
(b) Spaceport.
(c) Restaurant.
(d) Bar.

7. A turbolift car takes Luke and Mara meandering through Chimaera to an access door to the ____.
(a) Lounge.
(b) Garbage pit.
(c) Detention center.
(d) Fresher Unit.

8. When word comes that another frigate is approaching, Thrawn knows that ____ is aboard.
(a) Mara.
(b) Karrde.
(c) C'baoth.
(d) Luke.

9. Aboard Quenfis, Leia argues that they cannot abandon the boarding party, particularly with Han and Luke's ____ .
(a) Expertise needed on the Quenfis.
(b) Medical problems.
(c) Value back on Coruscant.
(d) Classified information.

10. Thrawn orders the ____ to Endor.
(a) The Death Star.
(b) Stormtroopers.
(c) Chimaera.
(d) The Katana Fleet.

11. When the turbolift car halts in the general alarm, Mara subdues the Imperial passenger, and flees carefully with Luke and Karrde down the track, which is ____.
(a) Electrified.
(b) Narrow.
(c) Booby trapped.
(d) Slippery.

12. Fey'lya has presented no proof and Breil'lya's actions on New Cov are ____ .
(a) Unfounded.
(b) Malicious.
(c) Embarassing.
(d) Suspicious.

13. Rukh is ordered to use his hunter's instincts to find the Jedi, ysalamiri are deployed, and all cars are moved to herd the fugitives toward the ____.
(a) Throne Room.
(b) Detention block.
(c) Hangar bay.
(d) Bridge.

14. Leia thinks that the Noghiri had been enslaved for seven or eight years, but learns that they have really been enslaved for at least ____.
(a) Nearly a hundred years.
(b) Nearly fifty years.
(c) Nearly twenty years.
(d) Nearly seventy years.

15. Negotiations are held aboard the Coral ____.
(a) Victra.
(b) Janda.
(c) Juanda.
(d) Vonda.

Short Answer Questions

1. Bel Iblis recalls his raid on ____ , the first time the Empire paid attention.

2. Ferrier suggests to Lando that they talk about ____.

3. Mara needs a Skipray blastboat and ysalamir on a nutrient ____.

4. C'baoth declares that Thrawn is Mara's enemy and her goal is to take his ____ away.

5. On Coruscant, Karrde explains again that his assumption that he was the only one to record the coordinates 15 years ago is wrong and that ____ also could have.

(see the answer keys)

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