Dark Force Rising Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Force Rising Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Khabarakh's planet is named ____.
(a) Hognour.
(b) Honoghr.
(c) Honorgum.
(d) Hornoug.

2. C'baoth is a Jedi _____.
(a) Master.
(b) Padawan.
(c) Ghost.
(d) Apprentice.

3. Thrawn has placed a rich bounty on ____.
(a) Karrde's ship.
(b) Luke's head.
(c) Spice.
(d) Warships.

4. C'baoth feels a tremor in the ____.
(a) Dark Side.
(b) Ground.
(c) Volcano.
(d) Force.

5. Luke decides that he must go to ____ to see about C'baoth.
(a) Wayland.
(b) Hoth.
(c) Coruscant.
(d) Jomark.

6. When a Barabel and a ____ face off with blasters, Luke is enlisted to mediate.
(a) Rodian.
(b) Rellian.
(c) Romulan.
(d) Rombuscan.

7. While Chewie and 3CPO make repairs, Leia suddenly ____.
(a) Blacks out.
(b) Throws up.
(c) Disappears.
(d) Pushes them with the Force.

8. Thrawn tells Pellaeon that they have the ____ to protect themselves and C'baoth is too unstable to be a threat.
(a) Jedi.
(b) Katana Fleet.
(c) Emperor's Hand.
(d) Ysalamiri.

9. Khabarakh is impressed that Leia is ____ 's daughter.
(a) Thrawn's.
(b) Darth Vader's.
(c) Darth Maul's.
(d) The Emperor's.

10. Hans' captor, Irenez, hands his effects to a taller and authoritative woman named ____.
(a) Sylvia.
(b) Sena.
(c) Stumbra.
(d) Sulna.

11. Threepio laments not numbering Noghri among his six million ____.
(a) Languages.
(b) Enemies.
(c) Favorite books.
(d) Friends.

12. ____ is Han's last name.
(a) Solo.
(b) Soho.
(c) Druno.
(d) Duo.

13. Luke thinks that C'baoth is not evil, but ____.
(a) Misguided.
(b) Insane.
(c) Brainwashed.
(d) Confused.

14. Khabarakh calls ____ the protector of his people.
(a) Darth Vader.
(b) Leia.
(c) Han.
(d) Thrawn.

15. ____ is Lando's last name.
(a) Calrissian.
(b) Caldorian.
(c) Cilmarillion.
(d) Calmarian.

Short Answer Questions

1. ____ is the name of Thrawn's ship.

2. Han tails Breil'lya while Lando goes for ____.

3. Han decides to go to ____ to investigate the money incident.

4. Leia's assistant has perfect ____.

5. Bel Iblis was rumored dead at ____.

(see the answer keys)

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