Daniel Deronda Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daniel Deronda Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who informs Rex and Anne that Grandcourt has drowned?
(a) A messenger.
(b) Sir Hugo.
(c) Reverend Gascoigne.
(d) A child who does not realize that they know Grandcourt.

2. How many of Mordecai's siblings died when they were younger?
(a) Five.
(b) Three.
(c) Six.
(d) Four.

3. Upon whose request does Sir Hugo keep Daniel's parentage a secret?
(a) Sir Hugo's.
(b) Lydia's.
(c) His mother's.
(d) His father's.

4. What does Mirah realize about Mordecai when she first sees him?
(a) That he is a man who once robbed her on the subway.
(b) That he in fact is not her brother.
(c) That he is not a man to be trusted.
(d) That he is ill.

5. What is Daniel's mother's full name?
(a) Annabelle Miriam Shirenstein.
(b) Shoshanna Lynn MacGuire.
(c) Rachel Anne Lipson.
(d) Lenora Halm Eberstein.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who owned the chest that Daniel is now inheriting?

2. Where do Grandcourt and Gwendolyn go yachting?

3. How does Daniel tell Mordecai and Mirah that he is going to see his mother?

4. Who does Gwendolyn request be sent to her after she and Sir Hugo discuss what Grandcourt has left her in the will?

5. Where does Daniel's mother want to meet him?

Short Essay Questions

1. Before she confides in him, what does Daniel surmise about Gwendolyn's knowledge of Lydia?

2. How do the Cohens react when Daniel and Mordecai tell them that Mordecai will be leaving them to go live with his long-lost sister?

3. How does Gwendolyn react to Grandcourt being upset about how she conducts herself around Daniel?

4. What does Sir Hugo confess to Daniel about his reason for keeping Daniel's parentage in secret for so long?

5. What does Mordecai predict will happen after Mirah first gives her father money?

6. What important financial news does Grandcourt make Lush tell Gwendolyn?

7. What does the reader learn about the Arrowpoints during the conversation among Daniel, Grandcourt and Gwendolyn at the Abbey?

8. What does Daniel tell his mother when he first sees her?

9. Why did Mordecai's mother share a special bonded with his younger sister?

10. What does Joseph Kalonymos talk to Daniel about before he hands over the family chest?

(see the answer keys)

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