Daniel Deronda Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daniel Deronda Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book II, Meeting Streams.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Gwendolyn tell Grandcourt right after she meets Lydia Glasher?
(a) That he can visit her the next day.
(b) That she wants to get married that very night.
(c) That she never wants to see him again.
(d) That he is a lying cheat.

2. Why does Gwendolyn say that she cannot dance with Grandcourt at the ball?
(a) Because she is too embarassed to be seen dancing with him.
(b) Because she does not like him.
(c) Because her card is already filled.
(d) Because her ankle is sore.

3. What is Gwendolyn's first impression of Mr. Lush?
(a) That he is handsome.
(b) That he is very ugly but possibly very rich.
(c) She dislikes him.
(d) That he is humble and very kind.

4. Why does Gwendolyn end up dancing with Grandcourt at the ball?
(a) Because he has finally won her affection.
(b) Because the person she was supposed to dance with disappears.
(c) Because he offers to wrap up her ankle so that she can dance at least once.
(d) Because her mother makes her.

5. What does Gwendolyn plan to do with the money that she gets from her necklace?
(a) Pay off her debts.
(b) Gamble just one more day.
(c) Pay for her trip back home.
(d) Buy fancy new dresses.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who greets Grandcourt when he goes calling to Gwendolyn's house the day after she meets Lydia Glasher?

2. What do the Arrowpoints hope that Grandcourt will do when he arrives in town?

3. How much time passes between the time that Grandcourt tells Mr. Lush that he would like to marry Gwendolyn and the time that he goes to her house to announce his intentions?

4. How does Gwendolyn react to Mr. Lush's offer to put her jacket on her after the ball?

5. What hotel does Mr. Lush settle his "mystery guest" in as Grandcourt is preparing to propose to Gwendolyn?

(see the answer key)

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