Dandelion Wine Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dandelion Wine Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Douglas test John on in the hopes that John will remember Douglas for a long time?
(a) Eye color
(b) Type of sneaker
(c) Favorite food
(d) Best memory they shared

2. What did Douglas want his father to buy him after they went to a movie?
(a) Sneakers
(b) Candy
(c) Ice cream cone
(d) Jeans

3. What does Douglas use to begin to appreciate his surroundings?
(a) Flavors of mint and pinesap
(b) Tom's adventure
(c) Father's words
(d) Senses

4. What is considered Douglas and Tom's first rite of the summer?
(a) Picking fox grapes
(b) Collecting dandelions
(c) Eating wild strawberries
(d) Going on a picnic in the forest

5. What is going to replace the trolley?
(a) Nothing
(b) Bus
(c) Train
(d) Cabs

6. What does Helen Bentley purchase for a group of children?
(a) Candy
(b) Sneakers
(c) Ice cream
(d) Rugs

7. What are jackstones?
(a) Beads
(b) Balls
(c) Rocks
(d) Toys

8. What is mother doing while Tom sits by the front door screen?
(a) Ironing
(b) Cooking
(c) Sweeping
(d) Sewing

9. What does Douglas question about his friends?
(a) How they will spend the summer
(b) Why they do not want to spend time with him
(c) When they will come to a new sense of being
(d) Why they seem more alive

10. What does Douglas' father speak about the wonders of?
(a) Animals
(b) Life
(c) Nature
(d) Death

11. Which of the following are the major themes of this section?
(a) Perseverence and friendship
(b) Death and fear
(c) Life and death
(d) Relief and happiness

12. What does the Happiness Machine actually result in?
(a) Relief
(b) Happiness
(c) Longing
(d) Conflict

13. In what state does this novel take place?
(a) Idaho
(b) Indiana
(c) Illinois
(d) Iowa

14. What is the dandelion wine used for during the winter?
(a) Cure for the winter blues
(b) To trade for other supplies
(c) Medication
(d) Christmas presents

15. What does Tom do as Douglas is contemplating his thoughts about the Thing?
(a) Jumps on him for a fight
(b) Knocks over his bucket full of fruit
(c) Runs away and calls for Douglas to chase him
(d) Steals his bucket full of fruit

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the time machine turn out to be?

2. What does Lena make sure is happening before she sends for the fire department?

3. Where do Douglas, his grandfather and brother meet Leo?

4. Which category of his summer did Douglas decide remounting the porch swing with his grandfather fell into?

5. Where is Father after Tom returns home with Grandfather?

(see the answer keys)

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