Dancing at Lughnasa Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dancing at Lughnasa Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What household task does Maggie take from Agnes during Lughnasa?
(a) Feeding the chickens.
(b) Cooking.
(c) Cleaning.
(d) Laundry.

2. How does Maggie lighten the mood about the lack of food in the house?
(a) Maggie says there's plenty for all.
(b) Maggie says it's a nice challenge to a chef like her.
(c) Maggie says she's got a secret recipe.
(d) Maggie says they'll all be thinner.

3. Why does Rose say she has to leave the berry picking early?
(a) She says she has to go to town.
(b) She says she is sick.
(c) She says she has an appointment.
(d) She says she is sleepy.

4. Why does Michael say the characters dance with their eyes half closed?
(a) To open their eyes would break the spell.
(b) The music makes them sleepy.
(c) The music bores them.
(d) Closing their eyes helps them to listen better.

5. What word does Kate use to describe Michael?
(a) Talented.
(b) Wild.
(c) Intelligent.
(d) Untutored.

6. Which sister does Gerry Evans dance with first?
(a) Maggie.
(b) Chris.
(c) Agnes.
(d) Rose.

7. What does Gerry Evans say they need to check if the aerial is all right but the radio still won't work?
(a) The electric cord.
(b) The ignition.
(c) The dials.
(d) The battery.

8. Why does Michael say his kites haven't flown?
(a) The kites need tails.
(b) The area is too crowded with trees.
(c) The kites aren't finished.
(d) Not enough wind.

9. Why is Gerry Evans in the tree in Act 2?
(a) He's trying to fix the antenna.
(b) He's trying to trick Agnes.
(c) He's building a tree house for Michael.
(d) He's rescuing Michael's kite.

10. What do Agnes and Rose agree to do next Sunday?
(a) Pick berries.
(b) Invite Gerry Evans for a dance.
(c) Fix Sunday dinner.
(d) Go to church.

11. What phrase comforts Kate when she thinks of Uncle Jack's pagan worship?
(a) "His own ecumenical understanding."
(b) "His own way of looking at the world."
(c) "His own distinctive spiritual search."
(d) "His way of bringing the world together."

12. What does Chris want Gerry Evans to do for the family?
(a) Dance with the sisters.
(b) Fix the radio.
(c) Write to them from Spain.
(d) Move in with them.

13. What does Rose wear that is unusual for berry picking?
(a) Her wraparound dress.
(b) Her Sunday shoes.
(c) Her house apron.
(d) Her wellingtons.

14. When does Chris say Michael always vanishes?
(a) When there's work to be done.
(b) When it's time to feed the chickens.
(c) When it's dinnertime.
(d) When it's bedtime.

15. Which of the sisters takes over to organize the search for Rose?
(a) Chris.
(b) Kate.
(c) Agnes.
(d) Maggie.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does Uncle Jack return to celebrating Mass?

2. What does Michael say haunts his memory of the thirties?

3. What are the hand knitters in Ballybeg going to do?

4. Who is Gerry Evans imitating when he leaves Ballybeg?

5. What does Maggie think Michael should do instead of write?

(see the answer keys)

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