Dance of the Gods Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dance of the Gods Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the young girl say to Glenna when she tells her that vampires can run like lightning?
(a) There will be men to protect me.
(b) You are a fool.
(c) The gods won't allow it.
(d) I don't believe in demons.

2. What does Blair say about coming to Geall?
(a) It seems like she stepped into a book.
(b) It is more than she could have imagined.
(c) It feels like the end of a journey coming home.
(d) She feels she has dreamed of this place before.

3. What does Blair realize when she sees Lora?
(a) Larkin will die if he comes.
(b) The vampires are ready to do battle today.
(c) The other vampires were wearing her down for Lora.
(d) Lilith is no longer in charge.

4. Who kills the second vampire?
(a) Larkin.
(b) Cian.
(c) Riddock.
(d) Glenna.

5. What does Blair say to the vampires when they ride up on her?
(a) Her horse fell.
(b) She rode him too far and he seems to be tired.
(c) The horse is old and not very steady.
(d) Her horse got a stone.

6. Why does Moira call Blair to come see her?
(a) To ask her advice on becoming queen.
(b) To tell her of a vampire attack.
(c) To ask her about Cian.
(d) To tell her how the demonstration will go.

7. What does Blair say when they start into the woods?
(a) She can feel something but not vampires.
(b) There are vampires watching but keeping their distance.
(c) She can't feel any but it seems odd.
(d) There are no vampires.

8. What does Moira say will happen to the vampires that Blair brought back?
(a) She will give them the option of fighting against Lilith.
(b) She is not sure yet.
(c) They will be starved to death.
(d) They will be shown to be people and killed after sunset.

9. What does Larkin say some people explain is the reason that the water at Faerie Falls is so warm?
(a) The faeries warm it each morning with their breath.
(b) It is actually in another world.
(c) The love of the faeries warms it.
(d) The faeries warm it when they bath in it.

10. What does Cian do before he leaves Moira?
(a) Cuts her hand.
(b) Slaps her.
(c) Bites her.
(d) Kisses her.

11. What does Riddock say when Blair asks him if he will fight?
(a) I must stay here to rule.
(b) To the last breath.
(c) There is no other choice.
(d) I will do whatever the gods order.

12. What does Larkin tell Blair that she had been swinging when he got to her?
(a) A bone.
(b) A rock.
(c) A tree branch.
(d) A broken sword.

13. What does Blair do after she has control of her emotions?
(a) Goes to the training room.
(b) Goes out to kill the vampires outside the house.
(c) Goes out to buy guns.
(d) Goes to the caves where Lilith is.

14. What does Blair give Larkin as a gift?
(a) A ring.
(b) A lock of her hair.
(c) A sword.
(d) A harness.

15. What do Larkin and Blair go back out in the woods for?
(a) To be alone.
(b) To bury the dead.
(c) To bathe in the river.
(d) To look for more vampires.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Cian say he feels like when he puts on the cloak?

2. What does Blair want to think about trying to use as an advantage in the coming battle?

3. What makes Blair run upstairs?

4. What does Blair say to Larkin as Moira first calls her to the field in chapter sixteen when the vampires are brought out?

5. What does Glenna give Blair?

(see the answer keys)

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