Dance of the Gods Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dance of the Gods Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the old man say would happen if the six heroes had been defeated as he explains it in the prologue?
(a) The worlds would be destroyed.
(b) The worlds would be changed.
(c) Men would be changed into demons.
(d) He isn't sure, maybe nothing.

2. What does Larkin say about the spot where he and Blair are standing?
(a) It would be a fine place for a battle.
(b) It must be bad when foul weather comes.
(c) It would make a pretty place to build a home.
(d) It would be a lovely place to nap.

3. What does Moira say about a sorcerer or witch being turned into a vampire?
(a) They loose most or all of their gift when they become a demon.
(b) There is a prophecy about it.
(c) Vampires don't turn witches or sorcerers.
(d) They are protected against it.

4. What does Larkin notice when he wakes up?
(a) His neck still burns.
(b) He is extremely sore.
(c) His neck feels numb.
(d) He is very tired.

5. When Larkin and Blair get to the pub what does she ask him about his charm?
(a) If someone taught him.
(b) How many women he has hurt with it.
(c) If he even has to turn it on.
(d) If he ever gets tired of using it.

6. Why are Blair and the others stuck in the house for so many days?
(a) Rain.
(b) Hoyt and Glenna are working on spells for them.
(c) They have set up barriers.
(d) There are vampire and half-vampires waiting to ambush them.

7. Why are the children huddled close together in the beginning of the prologue?
(a) To hear the rest of the tale.
(b) Because they are scared.
(c) Because it is dark.
(d) To keep warm.

8. What does Larkin change into to go check on Hoyt, Glenna, and Moira as they cast their spell?
(a) A lizard.
(b) A hawk.
(c) A sparrow.
(d) A monkey.

9. What does Blair tell Larkin about the next battle that is going to happen while they are talking in Chapter 1?
(a) It will be on their grounds.
(b) It won't be as easy.
(c) It will come too soon.
(d) It will be in the day time.

10. What does Hoyt say about the boy that Lilith calls her son?
(a) They need to find out more about him.
(b) He could be dangerous.
(c) He is a weakness for her.
(d) He has never heard of one so young being changed.

11. What does Cian say when Hoyt says they will be back before sunset in Chapter 2?
(a) Be sure you have your own key.
(b) I won't wait up.
(c) Better hope you are.
(d) I don't care when you get back.

12. What does the old man NOT say about the scene of the dawn after the first battle as he explains it to the children in the prologue?
(a) The ground was scorched.
(b) The air was thick with blood and tears.
(c) The rain had washed away the blood.
(d) The mourning doves cooed.

13. What does Larkin explain when Blair says that she thought he was mad at her?
(a) He could never be mad at her.
(b) He was not mad, simply confused.
(c) He is mad about her.
(d) She is frustrating.

14. How does Blair know about vampire bites?
(a) She has watched them feed before.
(b) She talked to survivors.
(c) Her father gave her detailed information on vampires.
(d) She was bitten when she was eighteen.

15. In Chapter 1 what does Blair tell Glenna when Glenna asks how they did in the battle with the vampires?
(a) They did really well.
(b) They all lived.
(c) They didn't do very well but they will get a second chance.
(d) She isn't the one to be asking.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Larkin hear talking to him as he is nearing home?

2. What does Morrigan tell Blair will happen in one week?

3. Why does Larkin tell Blair to not let him go when they go to town?

4. What does Cian say separates him and Blair from the others?

5. What does Blair say killing the vampire she had known taught her as she describes it to Larkin?

(see the answer keys)

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